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en’s Transformational Healing events and private sessions continually produce life changing results with many reporting out of body experiences, instant healings, heightened connection to spirit and DNA activation sequences that bring on new gifts and updates to the existing ones.
Guest Occupation
Ken is a multi-dimensional traveler, energetic/psychic healer, Light Language Channeler, Master Activator, Galactic Liaison and Quantum Blueprint Technician.
Guest Biography

My guest is Ken Lloyd who is a spiritual healer and multi-dimensional traveler who has undergone a unique soul-infusion walk-in event during an NDE, merging 14 soul aspects including his higher-self into a collective in his body. This process has altered his DNA, cellular structure, and etheric energy fields, allowing him to broadcast accelerated ascension frequencies, healing codes, and DNA activation sequences to those in physical proximity and connected to his energy field during live events, recorded playback, and virtual sessions. Ken's field raises one's resonant frequency from their 3D to their 5D harmonic, facilitating rapid healing of the mind, body, and soul. He is known as a multi-dimensional traveler, energetic/psychic healer, Light Language Channeler, Master Activator, Galactic Liaison, and Quantum Blueprint Technician. As a soul braid walk-in originating from the higher realms, Ken's quantum scientist, higher-self occupies his body in concert with his 3D soul version, allowing him to make higher dimensional connections across universes and deliver new spiritual technologies to Earth. Ken possesses a broad range of spiritual skills, including the ability to remove energy blockages causing relationship, financial, and personal growth issues on many levels. He can also identify and stop psychic attacks and provide physical relief and emotional healing by removing trapped energy around areas such as childhood trauma and trapped emotions in the heart. Entity removal, energetic implants removal, and breaking of spiritual contracts that no longer serve individuals are specialties of his. With permission from one's guides, Ken can rewrite soul contracts.