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Georgina Cannon
Your Pitch

Interview description:

As far back as we can track, humans have had a fascination with different forms of understanding of themselves:  divining and defining who we are through signs and symbols. In the earliest of days, throwing bones or stones, astrology, palmistry, the magic of numbers and in the 20th Century , Carl Jung defined us into archetypes which led to the corporate use of Myers-Briggs. The plethora of personality tests online, and the millions of followers of astrologers tell us that this curiosity isn’t waning. Not even in this time of artificial intelligence.

So why not give this audience the tools they hunger for, all in one place?

The book, published by Llewellyn publishers is due out in April 2023 – called “Your Guide 
to Self Discovery – 20 Ways to Find the True You” contains reader interactive chapters from experts around the world on subjects such as numerology, past lives, karma, NLP, Animal Spirit Guides, hand reading, dreams, family constellations, face reading, Enneagrams and more.  At the end of each chapter is a worksheet for the reader to fill out to  get a more complete picture of themselves  This book gives them a phenomenal tool to be the change and choose themselves -with a fuller more complete understanding of who and how they are and what they have to offer the world.


Author, Speaker and original founder of Canada's largest hypnosis school and clinic, Georgina Cannon, is an NLP Master, Timeline practitioner, Past Life and Interlife Regression Therapist and accredited Instructor for the National Guild of Hypnotists, the Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association and on the board of the International Board of Regression Therapies. She is also an award-winning instructor of hypnosis at the University of Toronto's School of Continuing Studies.

Recognized by many in the media as “The Source” for expert opinion in the field of hypnotherapy and issues around complementary wellness treatments, she has been a past guest on the English European Radio – REM.FM based in Spain as well as numerous radio and t.v. shows in Canada and the U.S. Including various interviews on Gaia TV and Coast to Coast with George Noory.

Georgina Cannon has been featured in many national print and broadcast news articles and television programs, including three-part, one-hour series on CBC Television, PLI (Past Life Investigation) broadcast in the fall of 2004 and frequently re-run on the History and Discovery channels.p>

Her two previous best selling books – “Return Again” and “The Third Circle Protocol” both reached amongst the top sellers in their category on Amazon.

Her new book, “Your Guide to Self-Discovery” is a curated collection from experts around the world, who guide the reader into different forms of ancient and modern self discovery.
