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Chris Westfall
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Accessing new ideas and possibilities in Westfall’s narrative is simpler than readers will find in other self-help books because Easier is told as a relatable, straightforward conversation between a Client and a Coach. The Client is ambushed at work. He’s fired on a Monday morning. He believes his wife will leave him as a result. He’s afraid that he can’t pay his bills. From this life-after-career-death story, new discoveries bloom, revealing 60 insights into resilience, resourcefulness, self-leadership and more. With each new concept, readers can find their perspectives shifting from “How will I ever get through this?” to “What can I gain from this?” Westfall’s insights can be applied not just to the workplace, but to all walks of life.


Chris Westfall is one of the most sought-after business coaches and keynote speakers in the world. He helped launch over five dozen businesses and has appeared on ABC NEWS, NBC TV and CNN. A regular contributor to Forbes, he has worked with thousands of leaders at Fortune 500 companies, nonprofit organizations and high-tech startups. A coach to entrepreneurs and executives around the globe, his clients have appeared on Shark Tank, Dragon’s Den and Shark Tank-Australia. He regularly consults with top-tier universities and is the author of three other books, including Leadership Language.

Easier: 60 Ways to Make Your Work Life Work for You