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Holly Hallowell Anahata
Your Pitch

I've got an interesting topic for you to host: Manifesting through Water!

My bestselling book, Light Memory An Alchemist's Guide to Waterbending just came out and I'm helping people remember how to use real magic to mold matter into being. Specifically, working with the power of WATER as the liquid crystalline supercomputer that it IS innately.

I help people remember practical magic through Alchemy. Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Ether, and how to use natural laws of the Universe to create the life you desire and the world you want to live in. I am a Mystic Geek so I blend Science with Spirituality.

Let me know if you'd like to set up a time to host me. I'd love to be on your show.


Holly Hallowell (Anahata) is dedicated to the revival of practical magic through leveraging Water as the liquid crystalline supercomputer that it is. After remembering her life as a Muan Waterbender, she has been gridding the Water of Gaia with Assisting Frequencies since 2017. Her love of Science and Spirituality add cohesion and physicality to an otherwise nebulous and hypothetical subject matter. With tens of thousands of students worldwide and dozens of Certified Practitioners, Holly’s revolutionary methods are disrupting the Manifestation and Self Development space. This is her fourth published book, and she has many more being written. She lives with her daughter in SW Florida. You can join the Universe(city) for additional tools and resources.

United States
Light Memory An Alchemist's Guide to Waterbending