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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

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School of Human Potential Guest, Helen Gitlevich January 22, 2014

As an internationally recognized author, teacher and healer with more than 20 years experience in the Spiritual healing forum, Lisa found herself, in the mid 1990’s, being intimately summoned by the Akashic Masters to share their personal insights into her life and those of her clients. In 2005, Lisa took a deep dive into the Akashic Field, which lead her on the most fabulous 10 year journey. From this profound emersion she was called to start the Akashic Knowing School of Wisdom and to create resources to bring clarity and healing from the ancient Akashic knowledge to a broader audience. As the Akashic Knowing founder, facilitator and teacher, Lisa shares with her students the unconditional love, guidance, and wisdom that comes from the Masters of the Akashic Records. She accesses this wisdom with ease through Sacred Prayers given to her by the Akashic Lords. She teaches these prayers and energy healing tools to her students to create their own personal Akashic Record connection. Students may also advance to Certified Akashic Healing Consultant, allowing them to access the Akashic Records of another and begin a new career. In Akashic Healing Sessions with clients, Lisa specializes in clearing soul contracts, karma, and vows – and helping individuals align with their soul’s path.  Her unique healing technique called “Pain Body Release ” helps her clients let go of their accumulated emotional pain, from both their current and past lives. This ancient wisdom is here to help humanity create steps to the life their heart and soul desires. At this stage of my life, I am best known as an Akashic Record Teacher, Consultant, Healer, and author of The Infinite Wisdom of the Akashic Records. I am also blessed to be the mother of three. My life is filled with children, love, laughter, service and Akashic healing, but it has not always been this way. Allow me to share with you who I am, why I “get you” so much, and exactly WHAT you can do to get some crystal clear answers NOW.

I was similar to you, not so long ago.

I had a time in my life where I was questioning EVERYTHING.  I had the “perfect” life… I had a great corporate job, was making great money, and in a happy marriage. On the outside everything looked great, but on the inside I felt lost on my path – confused, exhausted and sick to my stomach – both figuratively and literally. Basically, my life just started to fall apart. I found myself chronically ill, and my body just began to turn off.   I could no longer function efficiently at my high-pressure job. I was doing all the right things, but nothing was working.  I tried Holistic doctors, acupuncturists, herbs, nutritionists, psychics, energy healers, meditation, and spiritual healing.  The works. Through this long and difficult experience, I was guided to dig deep inside of myself, and find my answers. When I did, I was given a gift that helped me to get my life back on track. I became so empowered by this knowledge, that I learned how to do the same for other. Since then, I’ve created a wonderful life and an amazing business helping people just like you to have lasting transformation. It can be painful when you are out of alignment with your soul mission, and what you came here to accomplish. I help individuals just like you, find the core truth of who you are, and to receive the messages of your soul so that you feel clear, able to move forward and be excited about your life. When you’re on purpose, life flows easier, there is greater clarity, and your ability to attract your good becomes high.

On the Double with The Double S Xpress Guest, Bob Stelton January 06, 2014
Sports Talk Host on 710 ESPN Seattle

Bob Stelton is the co-host of "Bob and Groz". He came to 710 ESPN Seattle from 101 ESPN in St. Louis and had previously worked for Sporting News Radio in Chicago and Santa Monica, Calif. Bob began his radio career in Seattle in 1997 after a failed attempt to become a rock star.

On the Double with The Double S Xpress Guest, Bob Stelton January 06, 2014
Personal Trainer - Former NFL/CFL Cornerback

Lamont Brightful is a former cornerback and kick returner.  Brightful graduated from Mariner High School in Everett, WA.  Brightful played college football at Eastern Washinton University where he holds the Div 1AA record for average kick return yards at 30.

Brightful was drafted in 2002 by the NFL's Baltimore Ravens.  He played for the Ravens in 2002 & 2003, where he excelled at a kick returner.

Brightful was traded to the Miami Dolphins prior to the 2004 season.  He played for Miami into the 2005 season.  After being cut by the Dolphins, he signed with the New York Giants.  The Giants assigned him to play for the Frankfurt Galaxy of NFL Europe.  Brightful earned top kick returner honors from his play in NFL Europe.

Brightful also played for the Montreal Alouettes & Calgary Stampeders, of the Canadian Football League.  

Brightful now works as a Personal Trainer In Richland, Washington at Power Alley Performance.

A Fireside Chat Guest, Eve Lorgen January 18, 2014
Author, Researcher and Consultant in Anomalous Trauma. Offering Hypnotherapy, Coaching and Telephone Consulting Services.

Eve Lorgen, MA

Eve Lorgen is a dedicated counseling professional, UFO/alien abduction researcher, Anusara yogi and writer. She began her pioneering work with alien abductees while earning her Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology in 1992. She also holds a BS in Biochemistry and worked in the Biotechnology industry for 7 years. Eve started a support group in 1994 in San Diego County, CA for experiencers of anomalous trauma and continues to consult with anomalous trauma clients worldwide today while living in Western North Carolina. She was a close associate of the late Barbara Bartholic and is dedicated in continuing and expanding the work of the late Dr. Karla Turner.

Anomalous Trauma is defined as traumatic events that are out of the normal range of human experience. These experiences may include alien abductions, near death experiences, shamanic initiations, military abductions (milabs) mind control, spiritual warfare, demonic and psychic attacks, cult involvement and narcissistic abuse. Early on in her career counseling alien abductees, she discovered a plethora of unusual experiences that often accompanied those who reported alien encounters and milabs. The most prominent aspect of Eve’s counseling and support is with those who are experiencing some form of alien or paranormal orchestrated love relationship issues, or what she calls “the love bite”.

The love bite is a misunderstood and highly taboo aspect of the alien abduction experience: alien engineering of human love relationships and alien manipulation of abductees’ lives. However, as more people have come forward to share their unusual “orchestrated love relationships”, Eve discovered that this is not exclusive to the “alien abductee subpopulation” and is much more widespread.

Eve authored “The Love Bite: Alien Interference of Human Love Relationships”

(E Logos & HHC Press, 2000) and is a contributing author to all three volumes of the Universal Seduction by Angelico Tapestra. She is currently writing a self-help book on love relationships related to the paranormal themes discussed, so that seekers may be able to recognize, deal with and heal from these engineered “trauma drama” love relationships, and be able to discern between a true soul mate and a counterfeit one– orchestrated from questionable “otherworldly” sources.

Eve Lorgen has written numerous articles internationally on the alien abduction phenomenon in magazines such as X-Times, Nexus, JAR, MUFON Journal, Enigmas, Unknown Magazine, independent E-zines, newsletters, blogs and web sites. Many of her articles have been printed in Spanish, Italian, French and Croatian. Eve is also an excellent poet. She is a frequent guest of talk radio shows, independent film documentaries, and a former radio show host for NSPN Night Search Paranormal Radio Network of out Memphis, TN. She has publicly lectured across the US for MUFON groups, annual conferences, independent paranormal & UFO discussion groups and Brian Hall’s Conspiracy Conference.

Eve is also participating in a new venture, called RISE Multiversity.  Some of my favorite guests are participating in this new, educational process:  George Kavassilas, Tom Montaulk, Laura Lee Mysticah, Sienna Lea and of course Eve Lorgen.

A Fireside Chat Guest, Timothy Conway January 11, 2014
Author, Mystic and Teacher of Non Dual Philosophy, Advaita

Timothy Conway received his Bachelors Degrees in Religious Studies and Psychology at U.C. Santa Cruz and his Masters and Doctorate at the California Institute of Integral Studies.  After living and teaching in Santa Barbara, CA for nearly 30 years, Timothy now resides with his wife near her family in Vistancia, Arizona, where he is sharing teachings in different venues and completing some major writing projects.

He is best known for his outstanding book, "Women of Power & Grace: Nine Astonishing Luminaries of Our Time".  The deeds, miracles and teachings of these nine women, considered to be Saints, will be an inspiration to those who seek the deepest wisdom of spirituality.  The book includes many of their teachings in their own words, with special emphasis on the women of India who teach the sublime nondual Vedanta philosophy - one of the greatest philosophical achievements in the history of human thought.

The amazing, captivating stories of these spiritual champions of the highest order will excite the reader with the possibility of direct "God-Realization", the fullness of Divine Love, Bliss, Peace, Freedom and Power.  One luminary is alive today:  the "Divine Mother" Mata Amritanandamayi, the "hugging mother" for many millions of people since the late 1970s in India and throughout the world. She is considered by many to be a modern day Saint.  On his website, there are hundreds of articles, books and teachings: 110 original essays (some short, some book-length, around 2,200 printed pages of total material) and several dozen photos and sacred images for viewing, with no bothersome ads.

Dare To Dream with Debbi Dachinger
Dare To Dream, March 11, 2022 Guest, Conjure Queen
A Night At The Roundtable with Omena McGee, Caroline Oceana Ryan, Randy Miller, Tara Green & Rama Arjuna, and Micah Green
A Night At The Roundtable, March 10, 2022 with Omena McGee, Caroline Oceana Ryan, Randy Miller, Rama Arjuna, Tara & Micah Green, Penny Christoffersen, and Vinayak