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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

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Galactic Connection Guest, James Gilliland January 28, 2014
Minister, Counselor, Lecturer, Author, Contactee, Ufologist, Radio Host, Visionary, Humanitarian, Teacher, Energetic Healer, Conscious Channel, Broadcaster, Speaker

James Gilliland is a minister, counselor, an internationally known lecturer, best selling author with the books, Reunion with Source, Becoming Gods, and The Ultimate Soul Journey. James appeared in Contact Has Begun, His Story, The History Channel, UFOs then and Now, UFO Hotspots. ABC, Fox News, BBC Danny Dyer Special, Paranormal State, ECETI Ranch a Documentary, the new movie Thrive have all featured James and ECETI which he is the founder. He has appeared on Coast to Coast, Jeff Rense, and to numerous other radio shows to mention also being the host of, As You Wish Talk Radio, and Contact Has Begun, He is a facilitator of many Eastern disciplines, a visionary dedicated to the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth and teaches higher dimensional realities from experience.

Spiritual history

After a near death experience brought about by drowning, James could no longer continue business as usual. His eyes were fully opened, and he saw the lack of love and joy in his life and his work. Success through material acquisition, the American dream, was now seen for its emptiness. He realized that the temporary joy and pleasure possessions and outer appearances brought were not the goal and began his inward journey. After experiencing the pure unconditional love and joy, BLISS, of connecting directly to the source during his near death experience, all that mattered was to reconnect and maintain that contact.

This began a spiritual journey and 20 year quest which included 6 years of Yoga, The Inner Christ Ministry, and the Tibetan foundation were he was certified as being an intuitive visionary of the highest consciousness and energy. He has studied with other yogis, lamas, master teachers and continuously has been taught from within through his extensive practicing of meditation. He is a teacher, spiritual counselor, energetic healer, and published author, Becoming Gods 1 & 2, which can be sent upon request. He was recently honored by a venerated teacher in the Lama traditions as Rigdzin Norbu which translated means "Jewel of Pure Awareness".

After his NDE, James received the gift of Interdimensional Mind and the ability to transfer powerful consciousness and energy to others, helping them in their own awakening and healing process.  He is a Published Author of REUNION WITH SOURCE and BECOMMING GODS II, Master Teacher and Energetic Healer.  His over twenty years of experience include 6 years of Yoga, Teaching of the Inner Christ Ministry and the Tibetan Foundation where he is certified as a conscious channel of the Highest Consciousness and Energy.

He's lived a semi-reclusive life since 1986 at the Sattva Sanctuary, a 70 acre mountain retreat located at the base of Mt. Adams in Trout Lake, Washington. The Sanctuary has been in operation since 1986. It has been recognized by many sensitives, intuitives, adepts, and masters of all walks for its spiritual qualities which greatly enhance and accelerate the awakening and healing process. The Sanctuary and those who participate are dedicated to the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth, body, mind and spirit. 

Interviews & Media Coverage

James has appeared on Coast to Coast AM Show, has been a frequent guest on the Jeff Rense Sightings on the Radio, Laura Lee Show, Millennium Mysteries, Sean David Morton and Shine Talk where he demonstrated charging 9 batteries in a row by merely holding them, and other to numerous to mention radio shows.  

He has been a speaker at many events and featured on the The History Channel's, "UFOs Then and now: Hot Spots", ABC and FOX news, King 5 (Seattle) TV's Evening Magazine , Elaine Smitha, Daylene Gates Simply Spiritual, Off The Record with Ted Loman, International UFO Congress, and many other national and now international TV, radio and other media events. 

His articles and UFO reports have been featured by UFO Magazine and have been regularly featured by major UFO information outlets such as Filer's Files, UFO Roundup, MUFON, Skywatch International, PSI Applications, UFORC, Farshores, The Virtually Strange Network. 

He has extensive documentation of the appearance of Spiritual Masters and other Off World Visitors as well.  Interviews can be adjusted to the audience, covering a diverse field of experience and be as unlimited or outrageous as desired. The near death experience opened up what can only be referred to as Interdimensional mind which covers a very wide range of subjects. 

Everyone is feeling it. Something is in the wind. Something grand is unfolding on the horizon, just around the corner. A knowingness and feeling that soon it will no longer be business as usual. Is it tumultuous times of exciting social, economic and physical Earth changes? A collective initiation and ascension into Higher Consciousness & Energy? A grand reunion with ancient ancestors from the stars?

James is available for interviews, lectures, and workshops upon request.


Affirmations For Living Guest, Dr Delbert Blair January 29, 2014
Master Metaphysician

Dr. Blair is an Internationally known Master Metaphysician, lecturer, historian, scientist, spiritual and alternative healing consultant. The founder of the Meta Center in Chicago and is considered a leader in the area of metaphysics research and alternative information. He has been dedicated to awakening the hearts and minds of people across the globe for almost 5 decades.

School of Human Potential Guest, Dr Darren Weissman February 19, 2014
Holistic Physician, Developer of The LifeLine Technique®, Author and Educator

Dr. Darren R. Weissman, a Chicagoland native, is an internationally renowned holistic physician, speaker, educator, developer of The LifeLine Technique®, and best-selling author of The Power of Infinite Love & Gratitude and Awakening to the Secret Code of Your Mind, as well as a children’s book, The Daily Lessons of  Infinite Love & Gratitude.  A contributing author of Dr. Masaru Emoto's best-selling book, The Healing Power of Water, Dr. Weissman has been featured in the films Beyond Belief and The Truth.  His new book, The Heart of the Matter,  A Simple Guide to Discovering Gifts in Strange Wrapping Paper  was  released on September 2, 2013.

A practitioner of holistic medicine for nearly two decades, Dr. Weissman opened the Infinite Love & Gratitude Wellness Center in Northbrook, Illinois in 1999.  A popular speaker, he regularly participates in Hay House I Can Do It! and Celebrate Your Life events, and provides keynote presentations and workshops at health and wellness conferences throughout the world.  His weekly Hay House radio show, The Heart of the Matter, can be heard every Thursday at 11:00am CST.
Dr. Weissman earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Human Biology at University of Kansas and his Doctor of Chiropractic Medicine from the National College of Chiropractic. His post-graduate studies include Applied Kinesiology (AK), Total Body Modification (TBM), Neuro-Emotional Technique (NET), Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Neuro-Modulation Technique (NMT), Chinese Energetic Medicine, Natural Healing, and intensive holistic training in acupuncture and The Five Element Theory, Ayurveda and the chakras, shamanism, homeopathy, magnet therapy, and other forms of energy medicine at the Kalubowila Hospital in Colombo, SriLanka.

The LifeLine Technique® awakens individuals to the true meaning of symptoms, stress, and disease that represent emotional patterns of reaction within the subconscious mind. This dynamic yet practical system bridges ancient healing arts and modern ways of guiding the mind, body, and spirit into wholeness.  Using a conscious intention, the practitioner harmonizes the subconscious reactive patterns of emotion, facilitating the body’s natural ability to heal, regenerate, and become whole again.

Through the power of Infinite Love & Gratitude, The LifeLine Technique® is awakening the consciousness of humanity to living with purpose and meaning, regardless of life circumstances.  Since 2002, Dr. Weissman has taught The LifeLine Technique®  Certification Training Program to participants from all backgrounds, and there are currently more than 300 Certified LifeLine Practitioners in twelve countries throughout the world.

School of Human Potential Guest, Michael J Russer February 05, 2014
Motivational Speaker, Author

Beginning in September of 2011 Michael began a year-long personal transformation that included a diagnosis of prostate cancer, radical prostatectomy, follow up intensive radiation treatments and full blown impotence. He considers his resulting impotence to be one of the biggest blessings in his life.  It is because of his impotence that he and his partner discovered an entirely new approach to experiencing levels of emotional and physical intimacy that far exceeds anything either experienced prior to when things were working “correctly”.

It is his personal mission in life to serve other couples who struggle with emotional and physical intimacy due to ED, impotence or simply because they have lost their “spark” and use his communications skills to share what he has learned worldwide. Prior to this phase of his life, Michael was a highly regarded international speaker and author about technology. His media experience includes keynotes, radio and TV interviews, videos, articles for national publications and voice overs.

Lena Live Guest, Sarah Kendzior February 03, 2014
Writer, news commentator and consultant, with specialty in the authoritarian states of Central Asia (former Soviet Republics).

Together with Bill & Hillary Clinton, Pope Francis and a select few among journalists throughout the world, Sarah Kendzior was named by Foreign Policy Magazine as one of the “the 100 people you should be following on Twitter to make sense of global events”. In October 2013, St. Louis Magazineprofiled Ms. Kendzior as one of 15 inspirational people under 35 in St. Louis. Frequently in the media, Sarah has appeared on the BBC World Service, CBC, HuffPost Live, and Al-Jazeerah for whom she is an op-ed columnist. Among Ms. Kendzior's specialties are the authoritarian states of Central Asia and the former Soviet Union. The work of this prodigious writer is indispensable for a thorough understanding of what is happening behind the scenes of our world.

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