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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

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A Fireside Chat Guest, Lucia Rene March 15, 2014
Author, Mystic, Spiritual Mentor, Esoteric Spirituality

Lucia Rene is a highly trained mystic, having apprenticed with Frederick P. Lenz, an enlightened master of American Buddhism, psychic development and mysticism.  With over 40 years of spiritual disciplines and 17 years apprenticing with Frederick (Rama), she is a walking encyclopedia of the mystical arts and a master of navigating alternative dimensions.  As a mystical Stalker, she can ferret out the root of your problem.  As a Dreamer, she can mentor how to dream a more refined life and ultimately dissolve the dream into formlessness.  As a Manifester, she can conceive of something, then magically allow it to come into form.

Lucia empowers through many forms, bringing the most enlightened beings into our awareness and lives via teleconferences and free videos.

This coming July 7th through 10th offers a rare opportunity to meet Lucia, David Manning and Susan Gash in San Francisco at the Treasure Trove of Transformation Intensive.  It's a 3 day workshop that is certain to shift reality and catapult us all into new dimensions - this is one not to miss!

Galactic Connection Guest, Kevin Annett March 18, 2014
Native American, Canadian Human Rights Campaigner, Crimes of Church and State Researcher, Author

Nobel Peace Prize Nominee (2014, 2015); Recipient of the Prague Peace Award (2016)

Community minister, human rights consultant and Special Adviser to the International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS). Award winning film maker, lecturer, broadcaster and author*

Born 1956, Edmonton, Canada


B.A. (Anthropology), University of British Columbia (UBC), 1983; M.A. (Political Science), UBC 1986; M.Div. (Master of Divinity), Vancouver School of Theology, 1990.

Ordained as a clergyman in the United Church of Canada, 1990; held three pastoral positions, including at St. Andrew's United Church, Port Alberni, BC, 1992-1995. Fired from there without cause and expelled from the ministry without due process, 1995-97, after publicly exposing the murder of aboriginal children and theft of native land by the United Church of Canada.

Organized the first public inquiry into crimes in Canadian Indian residential schools, June 12-14, 1998 in Vancouver (co-sponsored by the United Nations affiliate IHRAAM). Established the first permanent body to further this inquiry: The Truth Commission into Genocide in Canada, September 2000. Published the first account of genocidal crimes in Indian residential schools: Hidden from History: The Canadian Holocaust (March 2001).

Formed The Friends and Relatives of the Disappeared (FRD) in Vancouver and Toronto, 2005-2010; led high profile church occupations and national conferences into missing residential school children. Forced Canadian government's "official apology" for Indian residential schools, June 8, 2008.

Led public protests and exorcism ceremonies at the Vatican, 2009-2010; won the endorsement of the Italian Democratic and Radical parties and the Municipality of Genoa for an international inquiry into crimes of Genocide in Canada, April 2010.

Co-founded the International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) in Dublin, June 15, 2010; appointed ITCCS North American Field Secretary.

Served as Chief Adviser to the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels in its two criminal cases against the Vatican, the Crown of England and Canada and its churches for Crimes against Humanity, 2012-14. Forced the resignation from his office of Pope Benedict, Joseph Ratzinger, in February 2013 after his conviction in the Common Law Court.

As Adviser to the Provisional Council of the Republic of Kanata, helped establish its founding Proclamation and Constitution in Winnipeg, January 15, 2015. Serves as one of three chief conveners for the Republic. Launched and hosts the Republic's media arm Radio Free Kanata. (

Presently serves as spiritual adviser and elder to the Covenant of Free Congregational Christians (The Covenanters).

*Publications and Films


Establishing the Reign of Natural Liberty: A Common Law Training Manual (Amazon, March 2017)

Murder by Decree: The Crime of Genocide in Canada - A Counter Report to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (Amazon, 2016. See

Unrelenting: Between Sodom and Zion (Amazon, 2016)

Truth Tellers' Shield: A Whistleblowers Manual (Amazon, 2016)

1497 and so on: A History of White People in Canada (Amazon, November 2016)

Samuel Wedge: Memoirs of Necropolis (Author House, 2015)

Unrepentant: Disrobing the Emperor (O Books, 2010)

Hidden No Longer: Genocide in Canada, Past and Present (2010, self published)

Love and Death in the Valley (First Books, 2001)

Hidden from History: The Canadian Holocaust (2001, self published)


Unrepentant: Kevin Annett and Canada's Genocide (2006) - Winnier of Best Documentary at the New York Independent Film Festival (2006) and the Los Angeles Independent Film Festival (2007); Best Film, Creation Aboriginal Film Festival, Edmonton (2009)

See also an insightful personal interview "Who is Kevin Annett?" (2013) at:

Websites and Contact:

Email addresses: ,

Leave phone messages for Kevin Annett at 386-323-5774 (USA).

Affirmations For Living Guest, Anthony March 12, 2014
Empathic Seer, Intuitive Guide, Claircognizant and Clairsentient

Anthony  has experienced and worked on higher levels of consciousness for the past 12 years in connection with a group called "The Council Of Twelve". Anthony's experience is one of a growing number of celebrated cases,  like that of Zev Kolman the Israeli energy healer,  where unusual abilities developed following "higher dimensional" contact.  Anthony's transformation has been described as follows.

"After spending his life building a profession as a master tailor,  his whole world took a stunning turn when he was contacted by the inter-dimensional group often referred to as the Council of Twelve. It’s not the stuff of science fiction, honest. As we are Soul Beings that inhabit a human body, our souls know quite well that we share this Universe with many life forms and expressions.

As humanity makes (the ongoing) shift in  consciousness toward realizing its proper  and balanced place within the Universe commonwealth, these encounters with ‘alien’ beings will become common place. In fact, they happen so often already that as we open our minds and hearts – shift our consciousness – we will create space for others to come forward and share their experience without fear of reproach or worse as has all too often been the case for the past millennia here on planet Earth.

Anthony, however, is one of those Beings who can take it (rejection from the mainstream)  and he really doesn’t care what you think. The generosity of his heart can be felt in the blades of truth he imparts and if he wants us to get just one thing, it is that we are Sovereign Beings, not slaves. Our addiction to this world and its presumed comforts are quickly coming to an end and there is a new beginning unfolding at the same time. His lifelong empathic sensitivity has been enhanced in his recent transformation and consequent spiritual integration.

Contact at

Real Estate Answer Man Show Guest, Sandra Edmonds April 08, 2014
"Queen of Tax Deeds", Tax Deed & Auction Expert

Sandra Edmond is known as the Queen of Tax Deeds.  She has been buying at the Tax Deed & Lien auctions since 2004.  Her first Florida Tax Deed cost $12,000.  She soon sold the property for $49,000 a couple of months later.  Sandra Edmond is a full time Real Estate Investor.  

Her experience in the area of tax delinquent properties landed her on a front page article in the Orlando Business Journal and Seminole Woman Magazine.  She has made guest appearances on live radio shows on the topic.  Sandra is the President of the Central Florida Realty Investors Association which this year celebrates its 25th anniversary.  Prior to real estate investing, Sandra was a television news reporter and fill-in Anchor. 

Real Estate Answer Man Show Guest, Phil Stevenson March 25, 2014
Certified Reverse Mortgage Professional

Phil has over 9 years of experience in the mortgage industry including mortgage processing, origination, recruiting, and managing.

He began focusing solely on Reverse Mortgages in 2008. As a reverse mortgage originator in Miami, he has personally closed and funded over 200 reverse mortgages.

He is 1 of 3 Certified Reverse Mortgage Professionals in all of Florida.  As a veteran of the wars in both Afghanistan and Iraq, family values, honesty, and integrity are of utmost importance to him. 

Talking Movies with John Barbour
Talking Movies, March 26, 2022 Guests, Donald Jeffries and Len Osanik, JFK assassination as seen through media clips and movie clips
The Alchemy of Business Show with Steve Rodgers
The Alchemy of Business Show, March 26, 2022 The Power of Scientifically Determining Buyer Habits, Making Choices & Living Purpose-Driven Life with Esther Wildenberg
Out of This World Radio with Ted Mahr
Out of This World Radio, March 28, 2022 with Ted Mahr and Dr. Christopher Macklin who talked about remedies for 5G and the shots
The Veterans News Hour with David C. Cory and Richard Hurley
The Veterans News Hour, March 28, 2022 How PTSD affects the people you love
Saving with Steve with Steve Sexton
Saving with Steve, March 29, 2022 Guests, Brent Kaspar and Steve Sless