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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

The Newsroom, Blogs, Articles, Featured Guests, Headlined Shows and Indie Music

NEW Music Artists & Bands Heard Between Talk Shows! We'll Be Your Favorite!

A Fireside Chat Guest, Dave Cowan March 22, 2014
'A Course in Miracles'. The Oneness Blessing, Ilahinoor, Ho'oponopono, White Time Healing and other energetic transferences

I started my sojourn on the planet growing up in a cozy family environment which encouraged love, laughter and learning. I chose to follow my ‘muse’ early in life by becoming a professional rock musician, which enabled me to thrive enough to support a family early on. I returned to schooling at age 40, and settled into the helping professions as a counselor for children, families and the unemployed. My interests led me to become trained and certified in Nutrition. I eventually embraced Quantum Biofeedback, an advanced computerized healing system, as both a practitioner and eventually international trainer and educator. My interests have expanded further to embrace the Spiritual aspects of healing, and now, with my wife Erina, teach and train others to become Licensed Spiritual Healers. My own inner work has evolved into an optimistic world view and desire share this with others through writing, teaching and music. I have authored ‘Navigating the Collapse of Time’ and co-authored ‘Dowsing Beyond Duality’ with Erina to support others in tapping into their greatest potentials.

Cosmic LOVE Guest, Tsering Lodoe March 22, 2014
Tibetan vocalist

Tsering Lodoe was the lead singer for the Oscar nominated Nepali movie "Himilaya", and contributed to the sound track for 'Seven Years In Tibet' starring Brad Pitt. Did you see that powerful movie? Lodoe gives voice to the indomitable will of a spiritual people to represent peace and harmony. 

Right after the Cosmic Love show, Lodoe will be performing at the Bozeman concert with Tibetan flutist Nawang Khechog.  Nawang is a Tibetan Grammy Nominee who has won multiple awards from Tibet, India, Nepal and the United States.  As a Buddhist devotee who lives in the community with the Dalai Lama, Nawang will be giving a 90 minute talk on 'Awakening Kindness' at a Bozeman workshop on Sunday.
 Accompaniment for much of this music is master acoustic guitarist Bruce BecVar who I'll also be interviewing with a sample of his music. Bruce is a gifted multi-instrumentalist and composer. Having produced and recorded 12 CDs since 1986 on his label Shining Star Music, BecVar is considered a veteran in the world of acoustic guitar. His Forever Blue Sky was on the top ten New Age Billboard charts. The World Music label Narada featured one of his Nuevo Flamenco pieces on their highly successful flamenco guitar sampler called Gypsy Passion.
 Some of the world class musicians that have appeared on BecVar's recordings include, Alex Acuna (Of Weather Report), younger brother Brian BecVar, Paul McCandless (Windham Hill) and Steve Reid (The Rippingtons).
 Bruce Bevar's guitar and Tsering Lodoe's vocals provide a profound harmonic experience.  This is a show you may want to put on your calendar whether for the local event or on Cosmic Love.
 Bruce BecVar website:

ET First Contact Radio Guest, Diane Tessman March 27, 2014

Diane Tessman

Goddess Alchemy and Divine Magic Guest, Anaiya Sophia March 18, 2014
Author, Tantra, Earth Mother; Gaia Mid-wife, Divine Sacred Union, Moon Wisdom, Facilitator, Healer, Meditation, Transmitter

Anaiya is a wellspring of both wisdom and experience. A skilled facilitator and transmitter of palpable pioneering passion, she is known the world over for her role in activating New Paradigm Relationships and Divinized Sexuality. 

‘Without a holy tantric revolution being at the heart of our Great Rebirth – it will never happen! For us to be able to truly birth this new paradigm we absolutely need the sanctified holy sexual force to give us the energy, stamina, passion and unyielding pioneering spirit to make it through to the other side of this planetary transformation’.  

Anaiya also works with men and women who are not in intimate relationship, preparing them on every level to meet and engage with their beloved.  She works in 'Sacred Union' with all, facilitating your own Holy Marriage between the transcendent and imminent aspects of being, focusing mostly on sexuality, the full heart and truth/transparency. 

She brings together the potential for a fully embodied transformation within your Physical, Sexual, Emotional, Mental and Soul Body

This work is an aspect of The Great Rebirth, and is part of the Divine Feminine Expression.

On the Double with The Double S Xpress Guest, Guss Armstead March 17, 2014
Basketball Trainer

Albert "Guss" Armstead is known throughout the nation for his organized developmental basketball programs. As mentioned in Chris Ballard's Hoop Nation, Armstead customizes his workout programs for future NBA players, current NBA players, college and high school basketball players. Armstead has gained invaluable knowledge as a basketball coach, Executive Director of the Sacramento Summer Pro League, Director of Player Relations and Development for Saga Sports, and Co-founder of 2 the Hoop, Inc.

Guss Armstead has the professional experience to instruct you and help raise your game to a higher level. Let 2 the Hoop Basketball Services help you improve your offensive and defensive skills with the hopes of allowing you to reach your fullest potential as a basketball player.

With players hailing from places as diverse as China and Africa, Guss has worked with individuals from around the globe.

Dare To Dream with Debbi Dachinger
Dare To Dream, April 1, 2022 Guests, Dr. Elsbeth Meuth and Freddy Weaver
A Night At The Roundtable with Omena McGee, Caroline Oceana Ryan, Randy Miller, Tara Green & Rama Arjuna, and Micah Green
A Night At The Roundtable, March 31, 2022 with Omena McGee, Caroline Oceana Ryan, Randy Miller, Rama Arjuna, Tara & Micah Green, Penny Christoffersen, and Vinayak
Adama Speaks with Adama Alaji
Adama Speaks, April 1, 2022 with Adama Alaji
The Author and Artist Hour with Kez Wickham St George and Toni Lontis
The Author and Artist Hour, March 29, 2022 Guest, Vince Wamock, award-winning Marketing and Visibility coach, author, and host of the Chasing the Insights podcast.