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My guest this week is MALIDOMA SOME, a West African Elder, author, teacher, diviner, and healer. His life path has been difficult to say the least; from being born in an obscure village in West Africa; kidnapped at age 4 by a Jesuit Priest and sent away to be schooled in Christianity; escaping at age 20 to return to his homeland; having to learn his native language again; being trained to be a shaman; then on to higher education to earn three Masters Degrees and two doctorates at the Sorbonne and Brandeis University; and finally to teach at the University of Michigan.

Wabun Wind, will be sitting in for me as host this week. She was Sun Bear's Medicine Helper and co-authored several books with him. She will be sharing more about the Medicine Wheel and how to use it, plus - she will have as her guest, Star Savoy, an astrologer who has developed a technique using western solar astrology together with Native American lunar astrology and the Medicine Wheel for a more complete and well rounded reading. This will be a great show, so don't miss it!

HANK WESSELMAN has been a Shamanic Practitioner for 30 years, but he is also a paleo-anthropologist with a Masters Degree in Zoology, and a Doctoral Degree in Anthropology. Over the past 40 years, he has conducted research with an international group of scientists exploring Eastern Africa's Great Rift Valley in search of answers to human origins. His fieldwork has allowed him to live among indigenous tribal people who have rarely had contact with outsiders and to encounter their traditional Shaman.

Being-ness is who-you-really-are, your Higher Self, your Super Consciousness. Being-ness is who you are meant to be. Are you ready? As we prepare to cross the threshold on 12/21/12 there are many questions, and my guest today has the answers! Ka't Mandu is a writer, metaphysician, and teacher of transformational change and spiritual realization. Hailing from Brisbane, Australia, she has been teaching and coaching in esoteric studies for the last 20 years. Ka't Pleiadean Mandu's newly released book "The Book of Meditation for Lightworkers" can be purchased at