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Satsang with Shusara with Shusara Akona Kumara

Shusara focuses our attention on the 144,000 who came here in service to humanity because they are now being called to awaken. Are you one of the 144K? If so, connect with us at Shusara also shares techniques to navigate the strong energies that are coming up at this time. Now is the time to commit yourselves to looking deeper into the contruct of your personal self. Are you functioning from the inclusivity of the heart or the exclusivity of the ego?

The Super Power of Forgiveness with Perto Herrera

THE GOOD NEWS with Reverend Joseph Caesar Show #4

This episode featured informatin about Monotomics. It also connected us with our Paa Taal DNA with detailed explanations of the technique of Positive Spin. 

"Being Present is the Present" with author, Phillip Collins. In his latest book "HAPPINESS HANDBOOK" Phillip say's " Presence is a "frequency of consciousness" that knows all about us and has always been with us. It knows exactly what we need in order to be happy. But it's up to us to choose it or not.

What do you choose at present? To be happy, or not?

Sun of God University with The Hosts - show #22 on BBS Radio

Healng The Heart with Dr. Eric Love on BBS Radio - Show #8

Satsang with Shusara with Shusara Akona Kumara

It's time to take your own personal vow of poverty. Of course this was meant to get your attenion and Shusara speaks at length during this session about our values and how they relate to societies values. It's time to get honest about the pink elephant in the room!

People and experiences that have an impact on us are telling us a story. A story about ourselves and our lives. In order to understand what the story is revealing, we need to know what questions to ask.

How do we evolve as spiritual beings when we are addicted to the physical world?

If we are trapped in the dream of this Earthly dimension, how do we awake from the dream?