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Sun of God University with The Hosts - show #26 on BBS Radio - Special EASTER show, about the Spirit of Jesus and Easter!

2014 Easter Resurrection

and the ‘Web’ We Want

  The cross is a universal symbol of

the crucifixion of spirit in matter.

The April Cosmic Grand Cross is

 the 2014 crossroads determining

  either decisive resurrection of the

  spirit that matters for all mankind

   or by default, ‘dimitude’ as “DUH”

 (Dim, Unconscious & Heartless).

Healng The Heart with Dr. Eric Love on BBS Radio - Show #14

Love Healing System. Clematis: Spacey. Centaury: too much of a nice guy, people pleasing, always giving and giving. For boundaries, for saying "no". Shielding and Protection Remedies: Walnut: shielding for one strong/dominating person (mother, father, brother, spouse etc.) or place like NYC.

THE GOOD NEWS with Reverend Joseph Caesar Show #6

ET Yoga with Charles Green This Epidode was all about Water and Earth. More specificlly about Dolphins/Whales and the Pyramid finds in Crimea.. Also, a listing of the amazaing products available at

Satsang with Shusara with Shusara Akona Kumara

Tonight's session began with a guided meditation revoloving aroung the requalification of the chakras. After the meditation Shusara took some time to explain the difference between an unqualified and a qualified chakra and then provided everyone with each chakra's ray, color, Archangel and Ascended Master. PielleAyan asked a question concerning people's current level of frustration and Shusara responded from multiple vantage points. Shusara shared some of her personal story as a means to demonstrate the importance of the bond between guide and student.

The Expansion Point with Brad Johnson - Debut show #1

Topic: Universal Healing Integration

Spiritual Practitioner Lordiel is a Multi-Dimensional Advanced Energetic Being bringing Truth, Love, Light and Healing to the mind, body and soul. She channels the information, messages and healing energies needed to guide and heal you mentally, physically and Spiritually in all aspects of your life. She will share with us of the hope, strength, courage, perseverance, and trust we must have in a Higher Power.