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Rumors, tales and legends...this and more we'll be discussing.  Do governments hide discoveries, fearful people may panic?  Hm,m,m,m,m....well, we'll see what Nick Redfern has discovered and you'll decided for yourself.

Human Rights lawyer and former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark and former six-term Congressperson Cynthia McKinney, lead a recent delegation of the International Action Center (IAC) to Syria.   Also part of the delegation were Dedon Kamathi of the All African People's Revolutionary Party and Pacifica Radio; and Johnny Achi of Arab Americans 4 Syria in Los Angeles. The International Action Center, which pulled together the delegation, sent key organizers John Parker from Los Angeles and Sara Flounders from New York.

Senator Michael D. Brown and Kathleen Gomez discuss Important Issues affecting everyone, and taking callers! Conversations include discuss on Drugs, Liberty, Guns and other central issues!

Each month Cobra and will be presenting overview of current world events through a galactic lens. Our intention is to dissipate fear, clear up any misunderstandings and add insights into what is really happening behind the daily headlines.

Cobra Questions and Answers. Transcript of this interview is available on our site: Interview Transcripts

Kevin Ryan, former Site Manager for Environmental Health Laboratories, a division of Underwriters Laboratories (UL). Mr. Ryan, a Chemist and laboratory manager, was fired by UL in 2004 for publicly questioning the report being drafted by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) on their World Trade Center investigation. In the intervening period, Ryan has completed additional research while his original questions, which have become increasingly important over time, remain unanswered by UL or NIST.

Natalie Jackson is one of the super lawyers who work for Trayvon Martin's family.  She comments on the fatal shooting of Trayvon Martin by George Zimmerman that took place on the night of February 26, 2012, in Sanford, Florida, United States. Martin was an unarmed 17-year-old African American. George Zimmerman, a 28-year-old multi-racial Hispanic American, was the appointed neighborhood watch coordinator for the gated community where Martin was temporarily staying and where the shooting took place.

Nationwide audience participation during the show.


In this 2 guest episode of The People Speak we hear first from audio expert analyst Ed Primeau who comments on the 911 calls made during the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman shooting incident.  Ed Primeau is an audio engineer who helps courts and law enforcement agencies understand the science and technology of voice identification. We all have distinctive characteristics to our voice and words, as well as how we pronounce those words. Each of us has a unique nasal cavity, larynx, teeth, tongue, and mouth.

RICHARD BELZER is a stand-up comedian, actor and author. He is best known for his current role as John Munch on the hit NBC show, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit. He is also famous for his acerbic wit and astute political commentary: “90% of the American people believe there was a conspiracy to assassinate John F. Kennedy. The other 10% work for the government or the media.” He has written such books as UFOs, JFK, and Elvis (2000), and the novels I Am Not a Cop! (2009) and I Am Not a Psychic! (2010).

Jesse Ventura is the former governor of Minnesota and author of four national bestsellers, including 63 Documents the Government Doesn’t Want You to Read and American Conspiracies. Ventura is the host of the television show Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura on truTV. He lives in Minnesota and Mexico.