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Michael Dunning, the Yew Shaman, describes his experience with Elemental he calls the Sulphur Being which left him shattered with decling health until he was introduced to an ancient Yew Tree who healed him and imparted great shamanic wisdom to him over a period of nine years.

Treatment Advocacy Center Executive Director, Doris Fuller speaks about improved mental illness treatment laws and implementation.  The Treatment Advocacy Center promotes laws, policies and practices for the delivery of psychiatric care and supports the development of innovative treatments for and research into the causes of severe and persistent psychiatric illnesses, such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

Being comfortable is a goal that virtually everybody works towards. And these efforts might become more pronounced as we age and feeling at ease becomes an increasingly higher priority. Our two guests today work to help aging people gain the comfort in their homes that they deserve.

Brooke Medicine Eagle, Native American Earth Keeper, Wisdom teacher, Healer, Visionary, Singer/Song Writer, motivational Speaker, Author of "Buffalo Woman Comes Singing" and "The Last Ghost Dance", shares her wisdom about living a sustainable lifestyle honoring Mother Earth and all our relations.

Sandra Ingerman will be my guest this Friday. She has written many books on Shamanism, and is probably best known for "Soul Retrieval", and "Medicine For The Earth". She teaches workshops internationally on Shamanic Journeying, Healing, and reversing environmental pollution using spiritual methods. She has trained and founded an international alliance of Medicine For The Earth Teachers and Healers. She is also a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, and Mental Health Counselor, as well as being certified in acute traumatic stress management.

This week, Caroline shares a special message from Mother Earth. It is told like a campfire storyteller would tell it, and has a beautiful message. She also shares some amazing facts about ancient trees that have been alive on earth for thousands of years, since before the Pharoahs ruled Egypt, and Alexander the Great conquered the Persian Empire, and Genghis Kahn built the huge Mongolian Empire,(the largest the world has ever known); before the Romans conquered most of Europe and the Mediterranean, before Jesus was born, lived, and was crucified. Yes, these trees are still living..

Today we will be discussing religion and how it has programmed us to believe our selves less than worthy of God's love, and that his love is something we must earn. My guest is Victoria M. Reynolds and with her we will uncover these false beliefs that have created separateness, and then move into a space of true Love. Of course, to fully embrace love we must understand it, and so we will also define the four kinds of love.

Being-ness is who-you-really-are, your Higher Self, your Super Consciousness. Being-ness is who you are meant to be. Are you ready? As we prepare to cross the threshold on 12/21/12 there are many questions, and my guest today has the answers! Ka't Mandu is a writer, metaphysician, and teacher of transformational change and spiritual realization. Hailing from Brisbane, Australia, she has been teaching and coaching in esoteric studies for the last 20 years. Ka't Pleiadean Mandu's newly released book "The Book of Meditation for Lightworkers" can be purchased at

How do we clear those mis-creations that no longer serve our best and highest good? How do we transmute the fear-based, fragmented consciousness that has dominated and manipulated us for lifetimes? With the gift that Father-Mother God has gifted us, The Violet Flame. Today I will share the Violet Flame with you and together we will transmute what no longer serves, so that you can embrace this shift!

Changes are always taking place in our lives: friends, finances, even our interests. But, the greatest changes of life are the ones that take place within! How much do you want to change? Are you ready to begin? On this episode we will discuss the steps necessary to transform into the person you want to be!