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Healng The Heart with Dr. Eric Love on BBS Radio - Show #13

Wild Oats: life purpose. 3 levels of healing (additional info to 3/30/2014 radio show). SAF organs for Parasitic infestation - Stomach and Adrenals. Forgiveness and emotional processing. Pine: for parasitic infestation, guilt, self-criticism, self-condemnation. low self-esteem and self-respect. too humble, too apologetic. Inadequate. Not good enough. Feel filthy inside. Guilt. Inferiority complex. Self-punishment.

From Shelter Dog to Service Dog with Janice Wolfe on BBS Radio!

Awakening: Revolution Through Conscious Revelation 

This BBS Radio debut broadcast of Quantum Mindfulness Radio premieres the likes of Joel Ayala Ayapana, Registered Nurse, Veteran, public speaker, healer, writer, and the author of his new book - The Book of Positive Light: Remembrance of the Heart. This inspiring broadcast covers, in brief, though intuitively speaks with passion about his cultual background, intriguing heritage, his most recent of accomplishments in academia, and in his most recent of spirited endeavors.

The Beauty Files with Juanita interviews with:

Amber Enfield, Kara Allan, Chef Richard Johnson

New Realities with Alan Steinfeld with Dr. Elizaeth Lambaer and Inessa Zaleski

Dr. Rebecca Carley shares her views on the dangers of innoculations on This episode of The People Speak with host Rock Cash.  Dr. Carley explains how she embraced homeopathy and natural supplements to deal with disease prevention, reversal of harmful effects of innoculations and other conditions.

Healng The Heart with Dr. Eric Love on BBS Radio - Show #12

Cerrato: Confidence (in decision making), doubt in self-ability, weak conviction, drawing people who drain you, dominated and controlled. Scleranthus: decision making for little things/everyday life decision.