Pet Safety Crusader

Pet Safety Crusader, Denise Fleck, has taught more than 10,000 humans animal life-saving skills and millions more on national TV segments, yet she knows there are still so many pets who could benefit from their humans learning better pet parenting skills. It is her mission to Be the One Who Makes a Difference in the lives of animals and the people who love them, so SIT, STAY or keep on doing what you’re doing, but tune in for each episode of Pet Safety Crusader Radio to learn how YOU can become a super hero to your dog or cat!
Guest, Terry Kaye

Terry Kaye is a professional writer, actress and singer, actually she’s just coming off a great performance in “Bill W. and Doctor Bob,” She sang back-up for Jessica Simpson at the American Music Awards, starred as Claire in the pilot episode of "Forbbiden Doors," a series based on the popular novels by Bill Myers and will be in the upcoming thriller “We Go On,” but in her dog Belle's first book, "Dog Only Knows," Terry's role is translator – not German, French, Spanish or even American Sign Language, but translating canine!