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Guest Name
Victoria Liljenquist
Victoria Liljenquist, Visionary, ET Contactee, Angelic Intuitive, Vocal Artist, Therapist, Healing Practitioner and Speaker
Guest Occupation
Visionary, ET Contactee, Angelic Intuitive, Vocal Artist, Therapist, Healing Practitioner, Speaker
Guest Biography

At the age of 5, Victoria’s journey began with Angels as one appeared to her. At that time, she realized her gifts of Intuition, Visions and Prophetic Messages. Victoria’s accuracy has proven to be extremely exact and accurate as she receives information from the Angelic Realms and Benevolent Brotherhood of Space. She had dedicated her life to serve as an Ambassador for the Stars & Other Worlds, uniting humanity again with their Star Families, and has been instrumental in “seeing beyond this reality.”

Victoria’s healing practice, music and singing plays a major role in activating personal cellular memory for healing, empowerment, and is transforming for those who experience her via lectures and personal sessions.

All of her life, Victoria has encountered Angels, The Masters, Light Beings, as well Light Ships (UFO’s) and Heavenly Manifestations. Since 1994, Victoria has captured on Video and photography, her incredible journey with the other Dimensions, which includes spectacular UFO’s projecting on Film, holographic pictographs i.e., angels, people, the earth, doves, dolphins. The messages Victoria receives as she film this phenomena is pertinent to our “Earth Changes”, and the Transformation Humanity is experiencing presently.

Serving in the healing arts for 30 years, Victoria is a gifted therapist for healing and transformation through her unique intuitive and spiritual gifts, blended with altered state journeys into the subconscious via hypnosis. A Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, with 30 years in Specialized Body Work & Massage, Kahuna Energy, and Spiritual Intuitive Consultation, Victoria has assisted many to connect with Angels, Spirit Guides and to understand their Star Connection. Victoria’s Film and Photography have been analyzed and accepted by specialists in the paranormal and UFO arena.