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 Toni has begun producing the World’s FIRST and ONLY Praying-Mantis Crystal-Skulls to the public – activated/charged by a 20-Million-Year-Old Mantis preserved in Amber found in Chiapas, Mexico and an 8,000-Year-Old Anubis Aztlan Artifact.
Guest Occupation
channels, channelor
Guest Biography

My guest, Toni Ghazi, is known as ‘The Antarean-Heart.’ Toni is a Channel and Spiritual Guide who works through the Praying-Mantis Beings and the Antares Stargate to bring messages from inter-dimensional and extraterrestrial beings. His work aims to guide humanity back to its true essence by activating a remembrance of who we are and creating a life of alignment. Toni's channeling includes messages from a diverse array of beings, such as the Praying-Mantis, Arcturian Council of Light, Taygetans, Grey Aliens, Angels, Ganesh, Mother Gaia, Seven Sisters of Pleiades, Magic Leprechauns, Dream Weavers, Sacred Geometry and Angels, Collective Light Particles, his future-self named Osman, as well as concepts like Silence and Void, Sound, Infinity, and Shadow and the Dark.

Join Toni and Debbi in person!

Galactic Origins Cruise (Dec 14-21, 2024): Explore the wonders of the Yucatan alongside Debbi, and other galactic and spiritual presenters! A 7-day Celebrity Cruise, an unforgettable journey exploring the wonders of the Yucatan! Presenters include Jerry Sargent, Sarah Breskman Cosme, Dr. JJ Hurtak, Debbi Dachinger, JK Ultra, Debbie Solaris, Viviane Chauvet, Lori Spagna, Laura Eisenhower, Toni Ghazi, Alan Steinfeld, Neil Gaur, and more. Secure your cabin - say YES to a phenomenal cruise with great-presentations, land excursions to Belize, Honduras, & Mexico, & beautiful days at sea! (There's a special discount when you cruise with a friend.) *On the registration form, click on Debbi Dachinger or Dare to Dream podcast. Cabins will sell out, sign up for this all-inclusive workshops and 7-days at land and sea adventure: