Susan Mokelke, J.D., President, FSS Faculty
"The Foundation for Shamanic Studies has had enormous impact on our world, helping to connect people all over the world with powerful sources of compassion and wisdom. The core shamanic teachings originated, researched, and developed by Michael Harner are primary and timeless. By learning these practical and remarkably effective methods, people are able to make direct contact with the helping spirits of another reality and bring back knowledge and healing to our troubled planet. When a person travels this road, he or she comes to know, as a matter of experience not of faith, of the fundamental unity of all things—an understanding that lies at the heart of an enlightened society.
"With the support of FSS faculty, students, donors, and other friends of shamanism, as President I am committed to helping to build a vital and sustainable future for the Foundation—in service to our mission to teach, study, and preserve shamanic knowledge for the welfare of our earth and its inhabitants."
Susan has worked with non-profit educational organizations since 1978: teaching, designing courses and materials, making educational presentations, fundraising, coordinating volunteer activities, writing, working with websites, and producing videos. She has a Bachelor of Science degree in Biological Sciences from the University of Southern California and a Juris Doctorate from Loyola Law School of Los Angeles. She has been learning and practicing shamanism and shamanic healing since 1996.
In addition to her role as President, Susan is an FSS Faculty member. She has trained extensively in the Two Week Shamanic Healing Intensives and the Three-Year Programs of Advanced Initiations in Shamanism and Shamanic Healing – as well as teaching the Pacific Northwest Summertime Three Year program. Her articles on shamanism include Effective Core Shamanic Drumming Circles, Ethical Considerations in Shamanic Healing, and Core Shamanism and Daily Life. She developed the new FSS workshop Shamanism Practicum: Guidelines for a Healthy Shamanic Practice, and is the editor of the Shamanism Annual and the FSS E-Newsletter. She maintains an active shamanic healing practice.
"Susan Mokelke, who co-leads the Foundation for Shamanic Studies with me, has superb credentials as an outstanding shamanic healer and teacher. She is an inspiring, compassionate, and knowledgeable workshop leader. Anyone who studies with her can be sure of receiving the most up-to-date and accurate results of my research, for she maintains the gold standard of core shamanism. I recommend her enthusiastically." —Michael Harner
Her students say:
“Susan is filled with stories, grace, encouragement, authenticity, humor, and a strong sense of ethics. She demonstrates a vast knowledge and experience without any judging.”
“Susan is such a grounded, clear, honoring teacher and it is inspirational to witness her obvious comfort with, depth, and commitment to the spirit world and this work. Far from acting "the guru", Susan frequently redirects our questions back to us, encouraging us to seek the answer from our own Spirit Helpers. This approach further demonstrates her respect for the process and has helped me build confidence and familiarity with my own relationship with the spirit world."
—Christobel Macdonald, Three-Year Program student"Thank you so much for such a great workshop (Basic Workshop) this past weekend! It was absolutely wonderful to get such a good grounding in shamanic practice, so clear and eloquently explained and with so much time for practice and discussion and experience."
"Excellent information and presented so well. Clear, kind, gentle, direct. Very knowledgeable."
Susan has had a lifelong interest in creativity and the creative process. She has composed two CDs of healing songs - Teachings from the Spirits (originally produced by FSS) and Be a Light - and has written a fantasy novel, Roseheart.