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Guest Name
Rich Wessenberg
Rich Wessenberg
Guest Occupation
Certified Healthcare Consultant, Preventive Care Advocate, and Licensed Health Insurance Professional
Guest Biography

Rich Wessenberg – Certified Healthcare Consultant, Preventive Care Advocate, and Licensed Health Insurance Professional with over 20 years of experience. Rich Wessenberg is the National Sales Manager for Wyoming Health Fairs in Wyoming, a nonprofit organization that provides low cost wellness screenings to businesses, government, communities, and partners with nonprofits to fund raise, throughout the United States. Rich was also a State Manager in Federal Employee Health Benefits Program (FEHB), the largest employer group plan in the world that has over 5 Million members.”

Do you know what you are ingesting into your body? Medication side effects fall under the category of “things most people don’t think about until they have to.” But make no mistake; all drugs have side effects, even if they are so mild that you don’t notice them.

A growing number of states, alarmed by the rising death toll from prescription painkillers and frustrated by a lack of federal action, are moving to limit how these drugs are prescribed.

Over the course of life, it is inevitable that we will feel intense and unpleasant emotions from time to time. Our loved ones will pass away, our friends and families will disappoint us, and the challenges of life will make us angry and frustrated.

When those painful emotions arise, it’s important that we know how to deal with them and understand the background of the meds that may be prescribed.

Certified Healthcare Consultant Rich Wessenberg uses his background to discuss the side effects of prescription medication and why it is important to know what you are putting into your body!

Rich Wessenberg can explain further…….

* Do most people understand the side effects of medication?

* What types of side effects exist?

* How can you manage these side effects?