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Guest Name
ET Contact, as a tool for personal and planetary transformation. Quantum Consciousness.
Guest Occupation
Lyssa Royal-Holt is a well-known channel and the author of the books The Prism of Lyra, Visitors from Within, Preparing for Contact, and Millenium.
Guest Biography

Want to know how to prepare for Extra-Terrestrial Contact? My guest is Lyssa Royal Holt, known for her groundbreaking books The Prism of Lyra, Preparing for Contact, Visitors from Within and The Golden Lake. She has been a trance channel, contact researcher, and seminar leader globally since 1985. In 2010 she developed The Galactic Heritage Cards, a card system that explores the archetypal galactic influences on a person’s life, as well as their wounds, unfinished lessons, and spiritual gifts. Lyssa was recently seen in season 1 and 2 of GAIA TV’s series called Interview with E.D. -  Extradimensionals with Reuben Langdon. She lives in Arizona with her husband and travels often to Japan to work with her large community of students.