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Guest Name
Ken Elliott
Ken Elliott
Guest Occupation
artist, writer
Guest Biography

Ken Elliott

Ken Elliott is an artist and writer living in Castle Rock, Colorado. 

He is a full-time artist, and someone who has experienced and collected astonishing stories for over 30 years.

His book, Manifesting 1, 2, 3 … and You Don’t Need #3 is not an ordinary Manifesting or Law of Attraction book.

The book contains critically new information beyond the Law of Attraction and makes the entire manifesting process amazingly simple. Special tools or talents are not necessary. 

The book also provides an elegant tool for dealing with your worries and negative thoughts. Thoughts create, and you don’t want to empower the negative ones!

Ken has experienced sending objects in thought and having them appear in the home of someone gifted enough to describe what had been sent. 

Ken learned that intentions instantaneously start to manifest on the Other Side. 

Ken has commented, "I was fortunate. I directly learned that thought creates, and does so immediately. 

“In this book, I relate how thoughts begin to form in the non-physical world, and how you can bring them into your life simply and efficiently! The information I gleaned is so simple, it is laughable.”

A number of true stories are included in the book to clarify concepts and for your encouragement.

This is a results-oriented book. Over and over, people tell Ken about their successes with Manifesting 1, 2, 3

They say, It just works!”

Start pointing yourself toward happiness and don't forget, there is a bonus… 

For more information on Ken's lectures and workshops, visit his website: 

To view Ken's artworks, visit 



