Honeywell Research Fellow
Four technology companies founded
One successful product developed – real time video insertion system
Two books written and published
Thirty six patents issued
IEEE senior life member
ACM senior life member
1973 – 1991 Research scientist Honeywell Research Center
1988 Appointed Honeywell Research Fellow
1991 Negotiated ownership of NCL and Invocation model IP from Honeywell
1990 Founded Theseus Research to develop and exploit the IP
1992 – 1994 Consulting: developed live video insertion system: virtual ads in live TV – the yellow first down line
1996 Founded Theseus Logic to focus on NULL Convention Logic,
2001 Left Theseus Logic
2002 – 2004 Wrote Logically Determined Design – Published by Wiley 2005
2004 – 2006 Wrote Computer Science Reconsidered – Published by Wiley 2007
2006 – 2010 Pursued investment for flow graph architecture
2010 Founded Wave Semiconductor funded by Tallwood and Southern Cross
2014 Left Wave Semiconductor
2016 Realized that NULL Convention Logic is flawed
2016 Co-Founder Esperanto
2017 Left Esperanto
2017 Realized that Null Convention Logic is flawed
2018 Began re-characterizing the logic and the model
2019-2024 Wrote “Journey Through Computation: Natural and Human”