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Guest Name
Jim Hamilton
Jim Hamilton
Guest Occupation
Author, Visionary, Personal Empowerment Coach
Guest Biography

Author, Visionary and Personal Empowerment Coach, Jim Hamilton has fine-tuned a unique process for connecting with higher 'Self' - 'Innate Intelligence' - at the heart of a natural state of connection with one's "Soul Contract" (Divine Plan) for co-Creation with "Source" (Universal Mind, God,  Unity Conscience, etc.).

Jim will be explaining the dynamics of this process as involves the conscious, subconscious, unconscious and 'supraconscious' mind - one's higher 'Self' - as mediator for 'All That Is'... the Power of Love.

We'll be discussing two of Jim's five books, 'Visionaries Thrive In All Times', and 'Core Resonance - Ultimate Personal Performance'.

See the new compendium on Global Holistic Healing, and consider how  'Ultimate Personal Performance' is going mainstream with the 'Global 5-D Paradigm Shift'.

Claim the Victory of Your Ascension

As 'Ultimate Personal Performance',

~ Christopher