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James and Steph Purpura
James and Steph Purpura
Guest Occupation
Authors of Perception Seeing is Not Believing
Guest Biography

Both James and his wife, Steph, have overcome the deepest darkest moments of their lives to create amazing lives. Fast forward 15 years, after many ups and downs and a lot of hard work, they recently sold their tech company, one of the world’s largest construction software companies! They have created a personal evolution company called Powerful U, along with producing a film, book, and assessment to help others transform their lives through evolving their Perceptions.  The book is titled Perception: Seeing is Not Believing and it's available now on Amazon and Barnes and Noble's websites.  

James and Steph’s journey of transformation is nothing short of extraordinary. Before they met 15 years ago, both of their lives had hit rock bottom. They were both financially, emotionally, and spiritually bankrupt. Life had beaten them down and shattered their self-esteem. At the lowest point in their lives, they met and were united by a shared vision of creating and becoming more. They started the only place they could by working on themselves and helping each other grow. They challenged each other every step of the way, and never settled.

Shortly after meeting, Steph wrote James’ first resume and taught him how to send an email. This began James’ unlikely career in technology. Around this time, they also started a family. Fast forward fifteen years, after many ups and downs and a lot of hard work, Steph and James recently sold their tech company, one of the world’s largest construction software companies. They now have five beautiful children and live an extraordinary life. Through this journey of self-creation, they developed a personal philosophy centered around perception. They believe perception, more than any other factor, will determine how someone’s life will turn out. James and Steph started Powerful U as their way to give back to the world.  

Their mission is to provide a roadmap for people to master their perceptions and their emotions to become the conscious creators of their lives. According to James and Steph, “Everything you see and experience is determined by your perception, and your emotions give your life the only meaning it has.”

James and Steph Purpura are seekers who find the state of humanity inadequate. They believe the unrealized potential of the individual is both the source and solution to this problem. Their goal is to inspire fellow seekers to tap into their unlimited potential, through a personalized combination of philosophy, science, technology, and community.