Henry Makow (born November 12, 1949) is a Canadian conspiracy theorist, author, columnist, and inventor of the boardgame Scruples.
Makow was born in Zürich, Switzerland. As an infant, he moved with his family to Canada, settling in Ottawa. At the age of 11 he began to write the syndicated advice-to-parents column "Ask Henry," which ran in 50 newspapers in the early 1960s[citation needed] and was published in book form in 1962.[1] He appeared as a guest on What's My Line? and stumped the panel.
He received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982, and lives in Winnipeg. In 1984, he invented Scruples, a game of moral dilemmas which was translated into five languages and sold seven million copies worldwide.[citation needed]
Makow postulates a hidden hand shaping modern history according to a long-term occult (Satanic) agenda. He argues that democracy today is a charade and serves as an instrument of social control; the mass media generally stifles information and channels thought; and popular entertainment degrades us and diverts the audience from what is really happening.
The occult force, which operates through Freemasonry, is empowered by the London-based central banking cartel which must bring about world tyranny to defend its monopoly on credit.[citation needed] His collection, Illuminati: The Cult that Hijacked the World (2009), documents this view of history. In 2010, he published "Illuminati 2 - Deceit & Seduction" which provides further evidence that mankind is being subverted and enslaved.
He is the author of A Long Way to go for a Date (Winnipeg: Silas Green, 2000), the story of his courtship and marriage to a young Filipina. (He divorced and remarried in 2001.) His opinion that feminism is an attempt to destabilize society is found in his first collection,'Cruel Hoax: Feminism and the New World Order'(2007).
He believes the Protocols of the Elders of Zion are authentic and are the blueprint of the New World Order. However, he believes they represent a small cabal of Masonic Jews, central bankers who direct organized Jewry, but not Jews in general. He argues that programs espousing "tolerance," "multiculturalism" and "diversity" are social engineering by this powerful cabal.
Books by Henry Makow on the Illuminati...
Illuminati: The Cult that Hijacked the World
Bizarre and incredible as it sounds, humanity has been colonized by a satanic cult called the Illuminati. This cult represents Masonic and Jewish bankers who finagled a monopoly over government credit which allows them to charge interest on funds they create out of nothing. Naturally they want to protect this prize by translating it into a political and cultural monopoly. This takes the form of a totalitarian world government dedicated to Lucifer, who represents their defiance of God. Thus, the people who hold our purse strings are conspiring against us. To distract and control us, they have used a vast occult network (Freemasonry) to infiltrate most organizations, especially government, intelligence agencies, education and the mass media. We are being re-engineered to serve the Illuminati. They undermine institutions like marriage and religion, and promote depravity, dysfunction, corruption and division. They have orchestrated two world wars and are planning a third. Henry Makow describes this conspiracy and shows how human history is unfolding according to Illuminati plan.
Illuminati 2 - Deceit and Seduction
THE EMERGING NEW WORLD ORDER A depraved satanic cult called the Illuminati is waging a covert war against humanity. This is the key to understanding mankind's tragic history and current predicament. For more than a thousand years, Cabalist money lenders have conspired to usurp power from church and aristocracy, according to a plan detailed in "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion." This plan does not represent Jews, but only a small cabal of bankers who organized in Masonic secret societies. They intermarried with prominent Gentiles and formed a vast occult and criminal underground. They are stealthily constructing a totalitarian world government. Taking God's place, secularism is a transition step to their Satanism. They involve nations in needless wars and enthrall the masses with porn, violence, trivia and toys. They attack our sources of identity and love - God (religion); family (gender); country and race - in order to stymie and dehumanize us. Sounds incredible, but after reading some of these 90 short essays, you'll nod in agreement. Their goal is to control your mind. If you know the truth, they can't.