Erica is a QHHT practitioner, and a Naturopathic physician. She is an intuitive empath, and prophetic dreamer. She is the daughter of a Reiki master/Shiatsu practitioner, and the mother of a "crystal" child. She has been an avid student of philosophy, spirituality, metaphysical and esoteric concepts for over 20 years. She has always had a strong desire to understand what is going on within the universe and also within the “little universes” of our bodies. She has been practicing natural medicine in Arizona for 12 years. Her passion is helping people learn to live healthy, happy lives. After years of practice, she became increasingly aware of the connection between the mind and the body, learning first hand that we ARE creating our own realities. She believes that we all have an infinite source of power within us. A power that we can use for our benefit or for our detriment. It is up to us, and the decisions we make. Her goal is to help others learn to connect with this source.