With more than thirty years as a leading authority in personal and cultural trans-formation, Dr. Michael Cotton, is a leading Evolutionary Theorist and the Founder of Higher Brain Living®.
Cotton has facilitated more than 75,000 healing or personal growth sessions and has led Higher Brain Living® retreats around the world. He has a Doctoral degree in Chiropractic, has earned all three levels of certification in NSA and is the Creator of the revolutionary Higher Brain Living® Technique, which helps shift a surge of energy into the prefrontal cortex, awakening human potential, for a lifetime of lasting joy, purpose and potential.
Cotton has owned and operated six AWAKEN Higher Brain Living® centers with over 30 more centers slated to be opened by new HBL Facilitators this year. He has created and developed the Higher Brain Living® System for personal and cultural transformation. Cotton has provided academic support material being taught at Ken Wilber’s, (Deepak Chopra’s mentor) Integral Institute in Denver, Colorado. He is currently teaching wellness practitioners worldwide how to change lives through the Higher Brain Living® System.