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Guest Name
Dr Karen Finn
Dr. Karen Finn
Guest Occupation
Divorce coach
Guest Biography

I’m Dr. Karen Finn and I help people figure out if they should stay in their marriage, if they should decide to divorce, or how to move through divorce and forward with their life. 

Making life decisions like these aren't easy. In fact, they're some of the most difficult you'll ever face. But you have to make a decision because if you don’t, you’re going to stay stuck in exactly the same place you are in today. And I can guess that where you are today isn’t a good place to be.

I know exactly how hard these choices are because I've been there. I struggled for years trying to make my first marriage work. No matter what I tried, things didn’t just get any better. They got worse.

All of my efforts were wasted because I wasn't successful at making my marriage better. And it was heartbreaking. 

After a whole lot of soul searching, I realized that I had to take another path. I couldn't survive and be his wife at the same time. And in the end, the decision helped save me.

My hope for each of my clients, for everyone who purchases one of my products, and for each person who hears my voice or reads my articles is that I can help them save themselves as well.