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Guest Name
Dr Gloria Kaye
Dr Gloria Kaye to speak on Energy Healing
Guest Occupation
Energy Healer, Psychologist
Guest Biography

An energy specialist, hands-on healer and pioneer of yoga therapy for the past 30 years, Dr. Gloria Kaye has “touched” the lives of thousands of clients. Working in conjunction with physicians and healthcare practitioners, Dr. Kaye has built a successful practice in Santa Barbara and Los Angeles. Her clients include well-known personalities, professional athletes, business executives, senior citizens, families, and even adolescents and young children. In the early 1980s, Dr. Kaye received her Ph.D. in clinical psychology and health psychology, and proceeded to develop and administer a holistic center for senior citizens. Part of her dissertation was reprinted in the Clinical Journal of Gerontology, and since then, she has taught yoga at several universities.

Dr. Kaye integrated pain management and healing into her practice in the early 1990s, working alongside physicians in Santa Barbara and Los Angeles. She lectured on the Healing Touch to first-year medical students at UCLA School of Medicine in the late 1990s. Through the combination of hands-on healing and the practical application of yoga to medical complaints (yoga therapeutics), Dr. Kaye has successfully treated clients with various medical conditions, including arthritis, backaches, migraines, muscle pain, inflammation, sprains, scoliosis and tendonitis. Her comprehensive approach to each case produces dramatic changes in an individual’s mobility, strength, flexibility, and overall health. She has also attended clients in the cancer unit at Cedars Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles, and travels extensively to visit her clients, who are located around the U.S.

Dr. Kaye first realized her ability as a healer in her teens. She believes she inherited this ability from her Great Aunt Katie, who was also a healer. Before pursuing healing and pain management as a profession, Dr. Kaye extensively studied yoga, conducting groundbreaking research in the 1970s on yoga as a treatment for substance abuse. She also produced a respected San Diego-area cable TV show exploring yoga as a treatment modality for common complaints such as depression, anxiety, stress, overeating and physical inflexibility.

She has many previous articles and books. Her .lates book published in 2015 is Healer’s Hands, Healer’s Heart. For more information, contact Patti Teel: or 805.448.0520.