Here’s the most important thing you need to know: Williams has worked tirelessly working to make history. She is a change maker, advocating for women, children, civil rights, human rights. Helping to change the narratives on education, diversity, empowerment; helping many to realize their full growth potential. She is a three-time author, a weekly contributing writer to Trice-Edney Wire Service and host of a weekly radio show, “WakeUp, Stay Woke” on WPFW FM, Washington, DC.
Williams is the President of the Dick Gregory Society and National President and CEO of the National Congress of Black Women (NCBW) and former Counsel to the U.S. Congress’ District of Columbia Sub-Committee on the Judiciary and Education. She was appointed to the Presidential Scholars Commission by President Barack Obama and served as White House Liaison to the U.S. Department of Energy during the Clinton Administration.