Deirdre first began to see energy and speak about this phenomenon at a very early age, but not until her mother, Poet - Katherine Blumer Hade, was diagnosed with advanced breast cancer when Deirdre was fifteen did she understand why. Together, the two women began developing a method of energy work to facilitate core harmony and promote internal and external healing. This lead her mother to live eleven years longer than expected.
Since then, Deirdre’s work has expanded as she developed a system of spiritual awakening and healing based on her life experience of healing and extensive study of the Tree of Life. Her practice of meditation and self-reflection for transpersonal growth is known as Radiance Healing and Radiance Meditation. She has taught this practice to thousands throughout the country, giving Radiance Journeys at the Chopra Center in La Costa, California, the Urban Zen Center in New York City, The ACADEMI of Life in New York City, the Evolutionary Healing Institute in Miami, Florida, Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, New York, Canyon Ranch Resort in Lenox, Massachusetts and the Woman’s Prison Association of New York.
A pioneer in the art of mystical and healing choreography, Deirdre first applied her gifts as a choreographer and dancer. Deirdre’s dance company, “Celebrations,” performed spiritual dances under grants from the Mid-South and Tennessee Arts Association. She danced with the NYC Opera, choreographed for the Banff Center for the Performing Arts, Opera Memphis and Southern Opera Theater. Deirdre choreographed and performed in the original music video of Stephen Halpern’s Summer Wind.
Deirdre's teachings include: The Radiance Tree of Life, The Radiance Light Journey to Healing, The Daughters of Miriam (DOM — A Woman’s Path to Enlightenment, A Course in Prophesy), The Kingship of Illumination (KI — Empowered Illumination for Men, A Man’s Course in Prophesy). She also partnered with Learning Strategies Corporation to create a comprehensive course on energy-work and self-healing called Radiance Pure Energy. She debuted her crystal bowl composition, The Sounds of Radiance, in the course in collaboration with the Grammy-nominated artist David Young.
The Foundation for Radiance is Deirdre’s non-profit center dedicated to healing those who have suffered from trauma, pain, or loss. In recent years, this organization has worked closely with the Women’s Prison Association of New York as well as providing Deirdre’s signature, “My Angel Pillow healing care for children in hospitals across the country.
Deirdre is a member of the Transformational Leadership Council, the World Peace Flame, and a founding member of the Association for Transformational Leaders in Southern California. She is featured as a Love Luminary in Marci Shimoff’s book “Love for No Reason,” which has sold over 20 million copies. In Keidi Keating's new book, “The Light,” released in February of 2013, Deirdre is called a Light Luminary and her teachings on the Power of Meditation are featured alongside the writings of other modern day luminaries such as Neil Donaldson Walsh and Don Miguel Ruiz. She has been honored by the Circles of Light under the leadership of Dr. Iziz Fuqua where she received the F.L.O.W.E.R. award for her pioneering work in energy healing and, has received the honor of being knighted by the Sovereign Order of the Knights Hospitallers of St. John of Jerusalem for her humanitarian work.
Deirdre considers her greatest accomplishment that of being the mother of her two children Leilah Katherine Franklin and Eric Harel Franklin.
William Arntz began his professional career as a research laser physicist, developing wave optics simulators for high energy lasing systems. After a few years of traveling he landed in San Francisco and began studying with his first spiritual teacher, Rama (a.k.a. Dr. Fredrick Lenz). Eventually the students were given the task of writing a software product/company whereupon William wrote “AutoSys” – a distributed event processor. He sold the company 2 years later and retired.
Soon thereafter William began attending the Ramtha School of Enlightenment. While there he became interested in getting some of the principles gleaned from his decades of spiritual inquiry out to the general public. He realized he could satisfy a life long dream and use the software proceeds to make a movie. That movie started life as a small documentary about Spirit and Science, but grew in scope (and budget) and became What the BLEEP Do We Know!? Producing, scripting, and directing the film, What the BLEEP was completed in 2004 and went on to become a global phenomena, with well over 100 million viewers experiencing the BLEEP.
Mr. Arntz then moved on to another film, targeted for a younger crowd, which develops some principles from BLEEP in an sociological, urban setting. The film, GhettoPhysics, and its companion book, addresses the daunting question of how a spiritual being navigates through a world obsessed with power, fame and riches.
As the 10 year anniversary to BLEEP approached William became interested in what the intervening years had produced in the way of changes in science, spirituality and public acceptance of some of the idea put forth in that original movie. And so the long awaited follow up entitled: What the BLEEP – Now WHAT! has begun…
In 1995 William Arntz sold his company and took a year off. He then devised a second successful software company, which he sold nine months after creating it. After “retiring” for the 3rd time he became interested in uniting his 4 great interests: (1) leading edge science, (2) spiritual inquiry, (3) filmmaking and (4) computers. After realizing that with the success of his two software companies he had succeeded in bypassing the onerous task of rising through the ranks, he happily (despite still lacking common sense) embarked upon the creation of “What the #$*! Do We Know?”