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Guest Name
Debra Poneman
Debra Poneman
Guest Occupation
Speaker - Author - Success Icon
Guest Biography
When Living Your Truth is Difficult - But You Do It Anyway

Debra began transforming lives in the 1970’s when she studied with some of the greatest spiritual masters of the east — often in deep meditation for 10 to 12 hours a day and complete silence for weeks at a time – and then taught meditation to thousands.
In the1980’s Debra immersed herself in the knowledge of the Masters of western metaphysical thought and founded Yes to Success Seminars bringing what were then considered radical ideas like "your thoughts create your reality" into the mainstream and teaching people around the world how to create outer success on a foundation of inner silence.
Debra’s students have used her teachings to become mega-successful entrepreneurs, renowned transformational leaders, NY Times bestselling authors, millionaires, billionaires—even household names. But Debra’s greatest gift is her deep belief in each person’s magnificence and their innate ability to live lives of not only success and abundance, but profound happiness, deep self-love and lasting inner fulfillment.
Twitter: dponeman

FB: Yes to Success with Debra Poneman