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Guest Name
Dave Buchanan
Dave Buchanan
Guest Occupation
Kinisiotherapist, Sports Trainer/Founder of Rock Balanced Health & Performance
Guest Biography

David J. Buchanan is a well-respected sports performance trainer and registered kinesiotherapist with more than 30-years’ experience working with professional, college and high school athletes to improve performance through a propriety system he has perfected called Performance Medicine™, a mix of sports and medicine that is aimed at fine-tuning the body’s neural network into a smooth proficient machine.

Buchanan is the founder of Rock Balanced Health & Performance, Inc., where he developed the Performance Foundation System. This system is based on individualized training and rehabilitation protocols using his Proprio-reactive Training™ method, which is aimed at improving one’s vestibular control – the body’s ability to process mental and balancing functions to improve performance through joint alignment.

Buchanan’s approach helps athletes improve performance through his effective training system along with the strong rapport he builds with his clients. Dave has worked with more than 2,000 athletes over the past 30 years, including some of the biggest names in professional and collegiate sports:

  • Jim McMahon, former quarterback, Super Bowl Champion, Chicago Bears
  • Jim Harbaugh, former quarterback, Super Bowl Champion, Chicago Bears
  • Bryan Cox, Coach, New York Jets; Super Bowl Champion, New England Patriots
  • Justin McCariens, wide receiver, Tennessee Titans, New York Jets
  • Ryan Diem, offensive tackle, Super Bowl Champion, Indianapolis Colts
  • Kevin Walters, wide receiver, Houston Texans, Tennessee Titans
  • Gary Barnige, tight end, Carolina Panthers and Cleveland Browns
  • Brett Basanez, quarterback, Carolina Panthers, Chicago Bears
  • Jordan Lynch, Running back, Chicago Bears
  • Alex Bayer, Tight End, St. Louis Rams