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Guest Name
Christine Breese
Christine Breese founder of University of Metaphysical Sciences
Guest Occupation
founder of University of Metaphysical Sciences
Guest Biography

Christine Breese, PhD is the founder of:

University of Metaphysical Sciences,

Gaia Sagrada Retreat Center,

Wisdom of the Heart 501(c)3 Non Profit

Free Retreats For Everyone,

Radiant Life Academy

Christine is in pursuit of helping the world live a more metaphysical life, in one with Mother Earth. She is the Founder of the University of Metaphysical Sciences, the largest school of its kind in the world where students can get a Bachelors's, Masters and Doctorate Ph.D. degrees in metaphysics studying online from all over the world.

Christine is also the Founder of Retreats in Ecuador, South America, where people can participate in shamanic ceremonies with Ecuadorian Shamans and medicines like Ayahuasca and San Pedro. She is also a shaman there and has helped thousands of people heal through shamanic medicine. And...the Founder of Free Retreats For Everyone.

She is a well-respected author, speaker, retreat facilitator, and online course developer in the areas of spirituality, meditation, and motivation. She is also a shaman, conducting shamanic medicine ceremonies.

Christine is 54 years old but still has youthful enthusiasm and vitality. She also has wisdom far beyond her years. She attributes it to the spiritual self-work she did to transcend depression, abuse, suicidal feelings and learning how to enter the realms of joy and happiness. Because she has overcome the depths of despair she can help you do it too!

For the past 30 years, she has been leading workshops, retreats, spiritual courses, and helping others find happiness too. She spent much of her own spiritual journey without money for retreats or workshops, so she wants to give you the chance to be in satsang whether you have money or not.

Christine is in high demand with millions of views on her videos and tens of thousands of followers, but she wants to make time for you. She travels with her team to bring these retreats to a place near you so you don’t have to travel. She is often referred to as the “Mother Theresa” of spiritual retreats because she cares deeply about those in need who are disadvantaged.

Christine is loved by all who enjoy what she offers. She is dedicated to the awakening of humanity, changing the world for the better, and helping those who are trying to improve their lives and attain an understanding of spirituality. Christine leads powerful meditations in these retreats to take you deep into who you are. Come and realize yourself for who you really are.