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Guest Name
Charles Raz Ingrasci
The Hoffman Institute
Guest Occupation
Mr. Ingrasci is the Founder of the Hoffman Institute Foundation
Guest Biography

Charles “Raz” Ingrasci has been a student and pioneer in the field of expanding human potential for some 45 years! Raz is a UC Berkeley graduate and has been an executive, consultant, and facilitator within the “Human Potential Movement” since 1972. Along with being a Hoffman teacher, he founded the Hoffman Institute Foundation in 1998.  "The Hoffman Process is the most highly effective method for people to heal, discover their true nature, and live a more free, open, loving and spontaneous life.”  Raz took the Process in July of 1989. From that experience he had three major take-aways: “I knew my marriage would last; I could be a great dad to my young children; and that I’d found work worthy of devoting my life.” Raz lives in the San Francisco-Bay Area with his wife of 35 years, Liza.

What is the Hoffman Process?  Founded in 1967, by Bob Hoffman, the Hoffman Process is a week-long residential and personal-growth retreat that helps participants identify negative behaviors, moods, and ways of thinking that developed unconsciously and were conditioned in childhood. The Process will help you become conscious of and disconnected from negative patterns of thought and behaviors on an emotional, intellectual, physical, and spiritual level in order to make significant positive changes in your life. You will learn to remove habitual ways of thinking and behaving, align with your authentic self, and respond to situations in your life from a place of conscious choice.