Guest Name
Bradley Bartholomew

Guest Category
Guest Occupation
Lawyer, Researcher, Writer and a long time student of Hinduism
Guest Biography
THE SPIRITUAL GENOME; Networked Intelligence in DNA
Bradley Bartholomew weaves together science, spirituality and philosphy in his examination of the “Networked Intelligence In DNA”
Bradley Bartholomew’s work is timely in response to questions being raised by the scientific community and others; “are we living in a computer simulation? Does the matrix really exist?” Spiritual Genome is a cohesive blend of science and spirituality with Hinduism at its roots; shedding light on the networked intelligence in DNA and how DNA can act as a universal quantum computer. Through this body of work the “matrix” unfolds!
Bradley Bartholomew initially trained as a lawyer in Queensland, Australia. He subsequently came across the works of Sigmund Freud and experienced a profound realization that Freud's Unconscious Mind and the Hindu Inner Self were one and the same. From then on he has devoted his life to tracking the Inner Self. After spending considerable time in an Ashram in India he wrote several articles about Hindu Philosophy in the 1990s that were published in prestigious philosophical journals in India including the Indian Philosophical Quarterly. His revelations that the Hindu Upanishads have a Quantum Mechanical interpretation led him back to University to formally study Physics and Genetics where he made a pivotal discovery about how the DNA acts as a Quantum Computer. This discovery has brought Hinduism into the information age.
Bradley Bartholomew’s book The Spiritual Genome brings to the forefront the theory of a networked intelligence in the DNA. He clearly outlines this theory that the DNA of all living creatures (including plants) is connected in the quantum substratum, and that it is this networked intelligence which constitutes the essential oneness from which springs all the diversity of life that we see around us. Bradley Bartholomew’s book illustrates how this networked intelligence is generated at the fundamental level by computer processing constituting the ultimate source of life. This he says is demonstrated by memristors in the DNA which enable the storing of data, and which have a direct bearing on such widely believed phenomena as past lives and reincarnation. The Author cohesively explains how the DNA can act as a universal quantum computer with sufficient processing power to potentially enable the generation of the entire universe. The Spiritual Genome explores how DNA acting as a universal quantum computer is foreshadowed in the Hindu Upanishads written more than 2500 years ago. The Upanishads are interpreted using state of the art neuroscience as well as Quantum Mechanics. This is said to not only enable the precise location of the Inner Self, but also demonstrates that what we experience through our five senses is capable of being generated from within. Quantum Mechanics also enables a deeper interpretation of Maya; the ancient Hindu doctrine of the illusory nature of all things. In the words of Bradley Bartholomew the Author, “We find that all this diversity that we see around us is in fact a virtual reality nested in the networked intelligence."