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Your Ultimate Guide to Cosmic Consciousness
Guest Occupation
Barbara Lamb is a renowned hypnotherapist and ET researcher, her expertise extends to working with ET experiencers, having conducted regressions with thousands of people.
Guest Biography

My guest BARBARA LAMB is a licensed psychotherapist (recently retired) and a current hypnotherapist and regression therapist. She is the co-author of Cosmic Convergence: Journeys of Walk-Ins, Starseeds, and Hybrids and considered one of the world’s leading authorities in the field of UFOlogy and extraterrestrial contact. Since 1991, she has regressed countless numbers of people to some of their past lives. Barbara has been a featured lecturer at dozens of conferences throughout the US and abroad. She has given hundreds of interviews for television programs, including Ancient Aliens and Netflix, and radio interviews on Coast-to-Coast AM Radio, GAIA TV, films, YouTube, the Conscious Awakening Network, and the internet. She has received five Lifetime Achievement Awards from five major conferences for her work in giving help and support to experiencers of ET contact and furthering the field of UFOlogy. She is an author and has co-authored Crop Circles Revealed, Alien Experiences, Meet the Hybrids, Kids’ Adventures with ET Friends in Space and now Cosmic Convergence: Journeys of Walk-Ins, Starseeds, and Hybrids. Her new book, Cosmic Convergence can be purchased at Amazon: or Barnes and Noble: