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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 26 April 2021

Gnobo's Mystical Numerology with Ayumi Okada and Gnobo Calypso

Gnobo's Mystical Numerology with Gnobo A Calypso and Ayumi Okada, banner
Gnobo A Calypso and Ayumi Okada

As there must be a global effort to respect living water and plant thousands of trees to rescue what we have destroyed, we too must regenerate the human spirit by re-planting seeds of Nature in Heart to live within pure positive principles for harmonic co-existence with each other and all living things in this beautiful Universe. Water spirals down a stream.

Mystical Numerology is an ancient Egyptian/Babylonian metaphysical science of interpreting a person’s birth date, time of birth and full birth name to read the patterns and vibrations (also called angstroms surrounding the chakras) that exist as an electromagnetic field in/around each person.

As a Mystical Numerologist Gnobo “Brice” Calypso has 27 years experience with this metaphysical science. Each reading is highly individual and brings out the full potential of a person’s life.

Gnobo A Calypso

Ayumi Okada
Radio Talk Show Host, Energy Healer, Psychotherapist

Hello, I am a healer from Tokyo. I’ve been passionately involved in psychotherapy, spirituality, Kahuna Science, and energy healing for over 15 years. I help people to reconnect to the fullness of our beings and of who we are. I walk people to their heart space through Harmonic Meditation and help them heal and evolve by Reconnective Healing®. I met Gnobo and had a Mystical numerology session with him when I first visited Sedona. I instantly decided that I wanted to bring this amazing art and way of living of Mystical Numerology to Japan, for I strongly felt this would be very beneficial to and resonates with Japanese. Gnobo and I work together for Japanese to live in full potential without anxiety and frustration.

Web site (Japanese)

Web site (English)


Gnobo A Calypso
Radio Talk Show Host, Mystical Numerologist

When you no longer want the anxiety, frustration and anguish of not knowing who or what you are please come see me. When you want to finally find peace in your body and live through the heart come see me. When you want to turn away from the hedonistic materialistic greed gobbling up whole nations come see me. When you want to know Who you are, Why you are here and how you are inter-connected to the All come see me. When you want the answers to the truth of your existence come see me. When you want to throw off the yoke of being hoodwinked, drained or manipulated come see me. When you want the truth of your Natural being connected with All of Nature and one with Universal movement in the Reflective Principle come see me. When you want to live joyfully everyday by knowing you are a special being with vast potentials that radiate from the Universe come see me. When you want truth and no longer wish to be bamboozled come see me. When you want to know your inner beauty come see me. When you want to know how you, water, trees and Gaia resonate as one come see me. When you are ready to hold truth in your heart and wish to no longer suffer come see me. Until then remember: water spirals down a stream. And no matter what you are a part of this movement.

Mystical Numerology is an ancient Egyptian/Babylonian metaphysical science of interpreting a person’s birth date, time of birth and full birth name to read the patterns and vibrations (also called angstroms surrounding the chakras) that exist as an electromagnetic field in/around each person.

This is a highly accurate science and requires a good intuit for the accuracy. This science is used as a tool of synchronicity so that readings/sessions can be highly influential to create positive changes in people’s lives. The highest will always prevail.

As a Mystical Numerologist Gnobo “Brice” Calypso has 27 years experience with this metaphysical science. Each reading is highly individual and brings out the full potential of a person’s life. Many questions are answered through his readings/charts/sessions and he will coach and continue working with each individual to remain within the highest will of the highest potential for his clients (changing nuero-pathways and left brain activity.) Important life changes can happen.

The information from the readings/charts include; Life Lesson, Heart/Soul Desire, motivation, Persona, Purpose/Destiny, Challenges, Pinnacles, Personal year, Power Goal, Soul Quality Denial and compatibility charts---of two or more people; also families.

All of the information works with finances, romance, health, career, changes, baby naming, corporations, employee screening, compatibility, survivors of child abuse, new addresses and living on one’s life path, which opens all doors to expansion and progress and brings in abundance and prosperity.

Divine Magic is the principle that exists in the science of Mystical Numerology. Divine Magic is ancient, yet timeless and works with Universal principles and practices to live within the highest will at all times and have balance of all energies.

Gnobo interprets all Master Numbers and highlights the ascension of these patterns with an individual so that high energy can be channeled appropriately, for Master Numbers brings in a high level of nervous tension that can turn into nervous anxiety if the individual is unaware of this high frequency vibrations.