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Thank you Edwige, for all that you have done for me. I was afraid when I started having ascension symptoms. The day that my leg "disappeared" I thought I was having a stroke. Then I found your class "You're not crazy, you're awakening" at the Spirit Within U. Everything you shared has helped and taught me so much.

The violet flame prayer has helped me with so much more than my fear. I use it daily transmute  any and everything negative. Transmuting the fear has reawakened the God given gifts that I had as a child. All of my separate selves are coming into alignment. I can physically feel my third eye opening. Your guided meditations took me into my heart for the first time. What a joy that was! My aura photograph showed that my aura had changed to a bright blue and green and all my chakras are open and active.

You also taught me the merkaba activation meditation. There are times that I can actually see the ring of light. I am also manifesting. Amazing !

I am so blessed to have you in my life! In fact, the whole world is blessed to have you with us! Thank you with all my heart. I love you.

Shelly Fay - Las Vegas, NV


Thank you Edwige, for all that you have done for me. I was afraid when I started having ascension symptoms. The day that my leg "disappeared" I thought I was having a stroke. Then I found your class "You're not crazy, you're awakening" at the Spirit Within U. Everything you shared has helped and taught me so much.

The violet flame prayer has helped me with so much more than my fear. I use it daily transmute  any and everything negative. Transmuting the fear has reawakened the God given gifts that I had as a child. All of my separate selves are coming into alignment. I can physically feel my third eye opening. Your guided meditations took me into my heart for the first time. What a joy that was! My aura photograph showed that my aura had changed to a bright blue and green and all my chakras are open and active.

You also taught me the merkaba activation meditation. There are times that I can actually see the ring of light. I am also manifesting. Amazing !

I am so blessed to have you in my life! In fact, the whole world is blessed to have you with us! Thank you with all my heart. I love you.

Shelly Fay - Las Vegas, NV


Listening to your show was a beautiful experience. Thank you. Well done BBS

~ A LISTENER from the U.K.


Wow - I had goospumps listening to Simone Awhina. I was in a trance, I was somewhere in a mostbeautiful, peacefull surrounding. I just can not say enough in words, how much I enjoyed your program and most of all the sound of her voice.

~ Hildegard O. from Washington


Hi, I'm very grateful for the quality programming of BBSRadio. I especially like Creation Lightship with Ron Amitron and Dr. Fred Bell's show.

~ Caroline from Florida


I have found so much truth just from listening to the show, after asking Ron awhile back to explain Creation, Source , God...... it opened up yet more doors for me and I am grateful for the knowledge I have learned from the show. I knew there was always more to God than say one spirit or energy; yes I am enjoying the 12 Creation energies very much. I can't express enough how much the show has helped my growth.... ~ D.F.


Hi Ron I just want to let you know that I had very rough skin before I went to CLS (8/18) and now it's very smooth and soft like a baby's skin.... ~ D.K.


Hello Ron, I wasn't able to be on your radio show on Monday so I was listening from archive the next day...IT WAS VERY POWERFUL, I was flooded with tears...Thank you for entity clearings and energies of hardship clearings, emotional healings and also thank you for talking about Jesus, His Kingdom and sending Grace energy and Energy of peace through CLS Insignia...after the show it was (for me) like Jesus Christ said : "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."(John14,27)..... ~ Anonymous


A couple days ago I was listening to your archive program and immediately start to try: "I NOW increase my Life Force energy." There are few "controlling freaks" (poor guys) where I am working now and I felt so protected. There was like a bubble of safe space around me they couldn't get over (it was fascinating to observe!) and what I found is that it's very POWERFUL - not to get power over somebody else, but powerful in a sense of claiming my own power over myself !!! And I am finally at the stage I can do what Bible said: "Rejoice evermore. In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you".... Thank you for all your love and healings... ~ Anonymous


Thanks for yesterday's session. It was a delightful four hours. The worked continued through the night and to today. The Amber blood transformation was new experience for me. I could actually see the light language symbols flowing through. Also, one of my favorite is the trip to the Inner Earth on the space ship. I'm marking my calendar for the next month.... ~ Anonymous