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I first heard Dr Holmes a month or so ago on Coast to Coast AM. I then found his website, and saw that he has a show on BBS. Congratulations for giving him air time - I really think this guy's on to something with his views that consciousness resides in the heart centre, rather than merely in a bunch of neurons in the brain. Well done BBS and Dr Holmes!

~ Fiona M in Australia


It was very good referring to Willy Nelson's answers. He certainly is a man who truthfully says what he thinks and feels. I think that's why I always liked his songs. He projects that honesty in his songs and voice. It was great!

~ Maria Hildegard


Hi Basima and all, Thanks so much for having me on the show tonight. Hope it goes well and thanks for the invitation -- keep us posted about any other support you'd like to offer to the fight for community radio. All the best,

~ Hannah Sassaman from Prometheus Radio Project


Thank You. I can hardly wait until Saturday for your healing show. I will be calling in for sure. I listened to you Sunday program. You are awesome! Bless You, Angel hugs & kisses

~ Nancy S.


I called into your show today (Carolyn & Carolyn) and was the one that was talking to you about the “staff” symbol that was given to me in a dream. It popped into my head when the other Carolyn was working with the infinity symbol and placing it in this gentleman caller’s head. Well, I just wanted to thank you for the reading. I didn’t realize it until after the show was over, but when you were describing my staff symbol to me as it was used in Atlantis/Egypt, you described it exactly as it was presented to me in my dream. It didn’t hit me though until your show was over. What you described was a staff that was made of gold and crystal. What it looked like it was made of in my dream was similar to a crystal we call (I think) gold crystal. It’s a bronze sort of colored crystal with gold specks in it. I’m told this is a manmade crystal. In my dream “they…the voice” told me to examine the symbol completely…not to miss a thing…to PAY ATTENTION to every part of it. Immediately after having the dream I went to a crystal show and was obsessed with finding a crystal that fit the one I saw in the dream. I found it and bought one so I would always remember. Thanks for your help. Guess I was lead to you. Anyway, you have confirmed a lot of things for me which have helped me to TRUST what I get. Thank you so much. Much Love,

~ Susan


Good Morning Carolyn, First of all, I want to thank you for yesterday and all that you have done for me. When I called in yesterday, I was at the point that I was asking God to take me home. I truly am having a difficult time, and when you told me what Archangel Michael said, I just know that I have to continue trying. Thank you Carolyn thank you. I will be listening again today. Angel hugs & kisses,

~ Nancy Sue M.


Hi Len, I listened to last nights program and just had to send you a comment. Wow! What a great show last night! I was not only inspired by your intelligence, but your courage to speak the truth. Please keep in touch! Much Aloha

~ Julie R., U.S.

Eva, I meant it from my my heart,you are incredibly good at what you do.I have been seen by some of the top scientists in the medical profession, they have no cure & offer no hope without toxic chemical treatments. I simply refuse to go there as I know at a soul level I can not accept that.I am very intuitive myself alot of the things I had been doing you confirmed for me. I've known when I did a reading on myself that I was very sensitive to electro-magnetic freguency's, I started using Dr.Bell's receptor which has shielded me also I was taking his supplements for awhile that have amino acids & B vitamins.You should have him on your show, his receptor technology has kept me going until now. I will get back on his supplement's as soon as possible & do my best to go see Dr.Valerie as I can give her your recommendations.I'm working at healing on all levels, I can't accept illness but I do know that I am responsible for it.Living within this illusion is hard for all of us, I'm just so happy I'm aware of it!! Blessings Deborah P.S I figured I was brought back for a reason, I am trying to work with it.

Can't save enough about BBS Radio and what a rich source of information and education we are previlged to enjoy! I especially enjoy Synchronized Universe and x2 Radio and Eva Herr and all their fasinating guest, though it doesn't end with these. I see the fast acceleration of knowledge that is to bring in the total healing of mankind. Thank you for including the websites and links to all guest so that we can preview ahead of time and then schedulte to tune in for those which are of particular interst. When the military kept using the word "Matrix" over and over during the invasion of Iraqi I knew that was an "attention getter" and it is ever exspanding. You may never know how many folks are benefiting from BBS Radio ... many shy people are feeding here and don't call in, but they are listening and they are being fed! Thanks from the depth of our hearts!

~ Betty H. in Harker Heights, Texas


I have found your show to be one of the most informative shows EVER! Packed with information. Thank you eva herr and look forward to hearing you for a long time.

~ Sharon K in Jackson, NJ