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Upcoming Headlined Shows

Headlined Show, Meta Mondays October 9, 2017
Hi , Welcome to our Monday show with Adena and Meta Mondays on BBS for 10/9/17.  Gale Glassner Twersky . Today we are so lucky to have…
Headlined Show, Here We Stand October 8, 2017
This Sunday October 8 on Here We Stand at 3 pm pacific, 6 pm eastern time on Defunding the Killers:…
Headlined Show, Cameron Live October 6, 2017
We will have an Interview with Psychic Shannon Leischner regarding The Massacre in Las Vegas. Shannon will talk about the attack and how…
Headlined Show, KickAss Relationship Show October 11, 2017
Join me on 'The Kickass Relationship Show' on Wed. 10/11 at 1pm PST, if you'd like to learn from one of the world's leading motivation…
Headlined Show, On The Level October 4, 2017
I am very honored to have Shadow Senator Michael D. Brown, from the District of Columbia, Washington, D.C., on the show! The Senator has…
Headlined Show, Spouting Off October 4, 2017
How can we even talk about the horrible massacre in Las Vegas?  While many have been more personally affected than others,…
Headlined Show, Sri and Kira Live October 8, 2017
What IS True Freedom? True Freedom is often misunderstood, because it can stimulate fear! Reversely, sometimes the energy of  …
Headlined Show, Spiritually Naked October 14, 2017
We speak with Don Miguel Ruiz Jr. about  his new book Little Book of Wisdom. Miguel shares with us many amazing insights simplifying…
Headlined Show, Shadow Politics October 1, 2017
Our co-host, Maria Sanchez, has been gone due to her Father's death. But, she's back with us today to cover current and national events…
Headlined Show, The War Report on Public Education October 1, 2017
Please join Internet radio host Dr. James Avington Miller, Jr. this Sunday as he examines the many changing purposes of Public Education…