Please join Internet radio host Dr. James Avington Miller, Jr. this Sunday as he examines the many changing purposes of Public Education and the battle over who and what defines this purpose.
The questions he poses are: What is education? What purpose does Public Education serve? Who's interest does the purpose serve ? Who decides it purposes? Who are the architects of Public Education? How does it benefit the person educated? How does it benefit society? Do different levels of Public Education (i.e., elementary, middle / secondary, and post-secondary) have different purposes - or, are they different parts of a continuum? What do school teachers need to know to teach to the purposes? What should teachers be able to do?
Dr. Miller will delineate a historical perspective of the changing purposes throughout the centuries that Public Education was designated to serve, and inquire what the modern needs of our 21st century are. What kind of education would be appropriate to speak to the needs of the modern student in society? What are we educating our students for? Why do you, as parents, send your children to school? Why do you, as teachers, teach?
These questions are important tools in understanding the many changing purposes of education. As there is no single right answer to any of these questions, it is up to all of us to engage our communities around these critical questions.