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Gale Glassner Twersky will join Adena B on Meta Mondays @ BBSradio to work with topics such as health, negative memories, special issues and needs .Join us at 9 am PT .Gale is the original author and clinical professional who published this work.
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Hi , Welcome to our Monday show with Adena and Meta Mondays on BBS for 10/9/17.  Gale Glassner Twersky . Today we are so lucky to have Gale   A.C.H. is a Hypno Counselor/hypnotherapist, Motivational Speaker and President of Glassner Associates Hypnosis for Personal Growth and Wellness since 1999.  Gale is certified in Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapy and has several specialty certifications including Past Life hypnosis, Hypno-anesthesia and Spiritual counseling. Additionally, Gale is a certified instructor/trainer of hypnosis. She heads the Glassner Associates Hypnosis certification training program.

 . In 2005 she authored and recorded in partnership with Nightingale-Conant, Corp., her 9 CD program, Reprogram Your Subconscious: How to Use Hypnosis to Get What You Really Want that quickly became and still is a Top Seller for seven years. In 2006 Gale published her single CD, Relax, Release and Dream On that has been #1 mp3 Spoken Word Download on In 2010 she completed the updated and greatly expanded paperback/eBook edition of the 9-CD Series: Reprogram Your Subconscious: How to Use Hypnosis to Get What You Really Want that is a culmination of over thirty years of her dedicated life's work in the personal growth and spiritual development field.

In Today's show we will speak about all of the amazing specialities Gale has branched out to, and many of them are relevant with what we see in today's health crisis with both children and adults.