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Upcoming Headlined Shows

Headlined Show, The Sports Doctor June 26, 2019
Joel Franco, Owner Chesapeake Film’s, creator of upcoming documentary “Youth Sports in America -  What’s behind a $15 Billion Industry…
Headlined Show, Spouting Off June 25, 2019
Is Trump pulling back or running scared?  First, he pulled back on attacking Iran and then he pulled back illegal immigration raids.…
Headlined Show, Lets Find Out June 23, 2019
Frank St. James will be telling you how to positively create your daily living experience. It's MAGIC! Change and good things on the way!…
Headlined Show, Shadow Politics June 23, 2019
DC for Statehood had a very exciting week and we will share what all the excitement is about!  Also, Maria attended a conference at…
Headlined Show, Why Life Is... June 21, 2019
Advanced Consciousness Series:  The Anticipated Result of the Composite Ray Changes and the Blocking of the Dark Side
Headlined Show, The Sports Doctor June 19, 2019
Dr. Kathy Weber, Team Physician for Chicago Bulls & White Sox, President MLB Teams Physicians Assoc joins me along with Robin Quinn…
Headlined Show, Spouting Off June 18, 2019
Karen has big news!  Her publishing company, K. M. Ette Publishing, Ltd. was awarded a trademark on the name Spouting Off in the…
Headlined Show, Lets Find Out June 16, 2019
  Elizabeth Joyce, host of "Let's Find Out" on (Station 1) Sunday evenings - 11:00 pm Eastern - 8:00 pm Pacific TONIGHT…
Headlined Show, Know the Name Know the Answers June 20, 2019
Laurie McQuary is an acclaimed psychic and one of my three “go-to” psychics whose skills I have benefited from since 1999 when I met her…
Headlined Show, Here We Stand June 16, 2019
This Sunday June 16 on Here We Stand at 3 pm pacific, 6 pm eastern 11 pm GMT at   Protecting the Real…