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Upcoming Headlined Shows

Headlined Show, Shadow Politics April 28, 2019
Noah Wills is the President of Students for D.C. Statehood – a non-partisan non-profit organization dedicated to educating and…
Headlined Show, Hungry for the Truth April 26, 2019
Manifesting and Healing from the Superconsciousness State.  The Doctor and The Detective discuss the incredible power of super-…
Headlined Show, The Sports Doctor April 24, 2019
Paul Dagnino, Founder of ICHOR, a multifaceted CBD, Cannabidiol Health & Wellness Group & American Moda, CBD Consulting &…
Headlined Show, Spouting Off April 23, 2019
The Left is fleetingly rubbing their hands together with glee as a screaming headline in the Huffington Post today reads: "Trump's approval…
Headlined Show, Lets Find Out April 21, 2019
Elizabeth Joyce, host of "Let's Find Out" on (Station 1) Sunday evenings - 10:00 pm Eastern - 7:00 pm Pacific CALL IN FOR…
Headlined Show, Why Life Is... April 19, 2019
repeat of show from 11/4/16   Advanced Consciousness Series: The Physical Disciplines for Maintaining Optimum Health  
Headlined Show, Here We Stand April 21, 2019
ITCCS Week of Action against the Criminal Vatican  commences with a bang! Paris, April 15, 2019 (14th anniversary of the first…
Headlined Show, Hungry for the Truth April 19, 2019
Lana and David talk to Australian Play-writer and movie producer Chris Dockrill about the sensational and riveting play/motion picture “The…
Headlined Show, The Sports Doctor April 17, 2019
Bob Gajda, National Fitness Hall of Fame member, renowned Sports Kinesiology Therapist, Author & Trainer of Champions returns along…
Headlined Show, Spouting Off April 16, 2019
Being a Boy or a Girl is a choice but being gay is NOT. If you disagree, you are “homophobic.” That's just one example of the long…