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Articles, Headlines, Featured Guests, New Music and Discussion Posts
Coming up on - Paradigm Shifters Guest, Nadia McCaffrey , March 29, 2016, Founder of PatrickMcCaffreyFoundation, a 501c3 nonprofit, Veterans Helping Vets
LARRY NICHOLS - Confessed Former Hitman for the Clintons talks to John Barbour. JP SOTTILE -…
Coming up on - New Earth Journey Guest, Katya Turner, March 29, 2016, writer photographer designer
Det David and Dr Lana Love speak with author Gerald Clark and alchemist Christa Clark about Planet…
Coming up on - Hungry for the Truth Guest, Gerald R Clark, March 29, 2016, Author and Public Speaker
Coming up on - Interviewing The Legends Guest, Ewan Currie, April 4, 2016, Musician,Vocalist,Songwriter
Empowerment in your Work Life Guest Alex Bratty and Lori Peters will discuss how to make positive…
Coming up on - Happiness Hangout Guest, Alex Bratty, April 6, 2016, Opinion Polling Expert, Author, Speaker
Coming up on - Dare To Dream Guest, Kira Asatryan, March 30, 2016, Certified relationship coach, author, blogger, loneliness expert, and speaker.
Coming up on - Getting There Guest, Lori Peters, March 30, 2016, Author,blogger,speaker
Coming up on - A Fireside Chat Guest, Ole Dammegard, April 2, 2016, Author, International speaker, former journalist, musician and investigator
This week, Joan and Janet talk about extra sensory perceptions and consciousness. Are you having…
War Report on the Road - The Machiavellian Agenda to Destroy Pub Ed, Teachers and Unions - Chicago…
Coming up on - Interviewing The Legends Guest, Jon Anderson, May 2, 2016, Singer/Songwriter/Musician
The Military Exchange Talk Show is a work of Love for the military men and women who have served…