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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 27 May 2023

Angel Talk with Jim Young and Sandy Young

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Angel Talk with Jim Young and Sandy Young
Talk Show:
Jim Young and Sandy Young

Rev. Jim and Sandy Young of the Living Light Center a Church of Faith and Healing, offer a broad area of understanding and spiritual awareness. We empower and help you to unravel the mystery of mysteries of the ancient text and its application to life. We cover topics from biblical, earth changes, energy healing, metaphysics, inspirational subjects and more. Our objective is to awaken the mind and soul to unlimited possibilities.

BBS Station 1
Bi-Weekly Show -o-
4:00 pm CT
4:55 pm CT

Talk Show Program Archives

Angel Talk, July 23, 2023 The Keys to Heaven are Hidden within Sacred Prayer
Angel Talk, July 9, 2023 Walking Your Path With the Angels
Angel Talk, June 25, 2023 The Power of Sacredness is Now
Angel Talk, June 11, 2023 Love and Forgiveness Transcends all Religions
Angel Talk, May 27, 2023 If God is For You Then Who Can Be Against You?
Reverends Jim Young and Sandy Young
Seneca Rocks
Ministers of The Living Light Center, Spiritual Counselors, Motivative Speakers, Angelic Prophetic Channel, Hosts of Live Radio and Certified Television Producers

Jim and Sandy are Ministers of The Living Light Center, a Church of Faith and Healing. It is a Non- denominational Judaic / Christian Church though Jim teaches from other ancient manuscripts and has been decoding what he calls the many levels of truth hidden within these ancient texts and even within our cellular structure. Started interpreting the Bible since he was 6 years old. He has been a traveling Minister at most all denominations since age 12. 

The Church sponsored a water purification Mission in 2001 to West Africa installing State of the Art Technology that could purify over 10,000 gallons of water with a 99% certainty for less than $1.00 per day.

Rev Jim was a special guest speaker of the 13 Member African National Union in 2001.

Rev Jim also met in closed door meetings with the Vice President of Liberia, The Honorable Moses  Le'Blah in 2001 and helped re-establish Diplomatic relations with the U.S. Government in those talks.

Rev Jim also aided the U.S. Government while working at no cost to our Government in entering foreign countries many under radical Islamic Rule and Martial Law, helping to extract U.S. Citizens to safely leave those countries , help in regime changes through the U.S. Embassy and U.S. Military and uncover private and former Government abduction of women and children mostly for the purposes of sexual slavery to the highest bidder. Aiding in seeing those involved tried and convicted with lengthy prison terms.

The Church  also has a Wellness Center, we offer retreats, teach classes, spiritual counseling, Counseling for victims of Abduction through The Underground Railroad Network, We offer motivative speaking, healing and upliftment of those who are seeking their spiritual path.. Our Wellness Center has an Infrared Sauna designed by twenty-five medical specialists and offers many kinds of healing modalities approved of by the FDA for Cancer issues.

We do spiritual retreats here at Seneca Rocks, WV and teach a variety of classes.

Both Jim and I are spiritual counselors and do readings. The readings we do are Prophetic information from the highest levels of the Holy Trinity, and Angels who seek always to do our Heavenly Father's Will. They cover many areas of topics and are meant to offer hope and insights that would aid in one’s spiritual journey.

In June of 2019, an Angel listed in the book of Ezekiel, as the Angel with the golden breast plate communicated through Jim and Sandy. We were told that we needed to open a church in Northern Virginia to get the word out to people, that a virus of major proportion would be coming in January of 2020. Two days later we received a call from a minister in Sterling Virginia who needed a Sunday evening minister and wanted to know if we would be available. It was a three hour drive each way, but we knew it was part of the calling. We signed up to be there for one year. This is how God has always worked in our lives. 

We predicted in 2003 in copyrighted radio shows to within a month of their occurrence of the stock market crash of 2008, the mortgage collapse, the bailout of Fannie and Freddie, and the soaring rise of gold.

Jim and Sandy are both former TV hosts, we interviewed the Dalai Lama in 2005. We also had a radio show "Angel Talk" in DC on WMET broadcasting to five states where we broadcast live 2 blocks from the White House. After that we took classes to become certified TV Host's, Certified Field Production and Certified in all levels of technology for creating our own TV Shows. We also became certified Journalists even interviewing and Filming live and in person the Dalia Llama in 2004.   Then we moved to West Virginia and started doing our "Angel Talk Radio Live" show there. As of the end of 2003 we had over 10,000 listens, You can listen to our recorded radio shows (260) by going to

Then had the wonderful opportunity to join in with BBS Radio broadcasting in 186 cities and 

We are co-authors of the book “The Evidence of Things Not Seen”. This book offers evidence of a secret cosmic code hidden in the bible heralding the age of Aquarius and predictions of earth changes.

We are certified Master Gardeners through the University of WV and enjoy the beauty of our flowers and vegetable gardens.

Our title within the Church is a Minister, Motivative Speaker, Angelic Prophetic Channel, Host of Live Radio and Certified Television Producer and Host

From the age of five, Sandy was able to telepathically communicate with her grandmother three hours away. She would call on the phone and say I got your message dear. Sandy and Jim were always amazed at their spiritual connection to the Angels, Spiritual Master’s and the Divine Holy Trinity and always tried to find modalities that could help people feel better.


Bio for Jim Young 

Jim received his Ministry Degree from the Church of Christ and was Ordained as a Christian Minister and State Licensed since 1980. (Jim was a traveling child evangelist at the age of 12) Healer, and Prophetic Intuitive. He can remember communicating with Jesus as young as 4 years old. He now considers himself a “Judaic Christian Metaphysical Minister” 

He is also a researcher/author/teacher and Amateur Archeologist. He has studied, mapped and located many Rock Carvings (Petroglyphs) and Hieroglyphics on the rock formations of WV as well as their connection to our Ancient Civilizations around the world piecing together our Planetary History. He teaches and interprets many of the ancient religious texts and teaches on their connectivity believing that the “records are one”. 

He has written articles on upcoming prophecy with "Clearing the Confusion. and his book, "The Evidence of Things Not Seen". He was a guest speaker/presenter @ 2012 Conference in Bethesda MD, March 2009, and "Time Spans, Stone Records of an Ancient Civilization" for the Fortean Society in June 2009. He has taught and spoke in forums in many locations in the U.S. as well as abroad in several countries. 

Co-host of Angel Talk's Live Radio Show which broadcast out of Washington DC and aired in over five states in 2003 and 2004. He also pursued television as Angel Talk's Changing Realities producer, co-host and is a Professional Speaker talking to crowds from 25 to 300. The Television show is viewed on Comcast Channel 19 in the Washington DC metro area. 

Jim was granted press credentials for the visit to the U.S. in 2004 by the Dalai Lama whom he interviewed live and was able to photograph and video him for his Television Show, Angel Talk’s Changing Realities. 

Jim and Sandy also sponsored a Humanitarian clean water project to West Africa in 2001. Introducing "Living Waters" a humanitarian project utilizing state of the art ozone technology. Jim and Sandy delivered the first ozone units to Ghana that would effectively purify 10,000 gallons of water for less than $1.00 per day. 

Jim was a consultant to individuals and businesses, he also helped the FBI restore secret and top secret clearances placed upon whistle blowers of government corruption and testified before congressional hearings held on treasury waste, corruption, and failure to follow the law set by congress for tax payers.

Jim was the special guest of the African National Union in West Africa traveling to Ghana in 2001 and met in closed-door talks with the Vice President of Liberia, Moses LeBlah, in 2000 effectively re-establishing communication that had been halted due to civil war in that country. He also predicted to the Vice President a peaceful transfer of power to him that would usher in the election of the first women President of a West African Country. 

He was humbled to have found a "Golden Child" a Liberian baby in a slum in Ivory Coast on one of his trips that was being hidden there for protection. 

Jim and Sandy have traveled extensively to China, Africa, Egypt, Mexico, Canada, the Caribbean & South America. 

Things Jim and Sandy have achieved Together: 

Jim and Sandy Predicted starting as far back as 2003 the current financial crisis, as well as many of the leading headlines of today. 

Hosting in 2003 and 2004 Angel Talk Radio broadcasting out of Washington DC & airing in over five states. Then hosting Angel Talk Television since 2005 many of their predictions were confirmed thru copyrighted Radio and Television shows. 

From the mortgage crisis, loan and credit tightening, the fall of Fannie and Freddie, the collapse of the banks, the falling value of the dollar and the rise of gold. Even the rise of the stock market to its landmark highs and even driverless autos. 

Predictions made on the rise of gold from around $550 in 2001 to more than $1100 within a few years, as well as the mortgage crash all to within a month of occurrence in 2007 and 2008 on copyrighted Radio Shows as early as 2003 and 2004 and much more. 

Angel Talk Predicted the technologies that have further revolutionized our automobiles, drinking water supplies, and in mid - 2019 predicted the current Corona Virus, the locust infestation in Africa, a change in the monetary system and more to come. 

Currently both are Ministers and trustees of our 10,000 square foot church, The Living Light Center, A Church of Faith and Healing, located in Seneca Rocks WV and a second outreach location in Sterling VA operated by two of our outreach ministers. 

They also operate the Living Light Center’s wellness retreat offering produce from their three organic greenhouses for local food drives. 

They are both “Certified Master Gardeners” with the University of WV in Morgantown. 

Their wellness center offers Far-Infrared Sauna Technology designed and built by 25 medical specialists. Holistic Products, a 52 foot diameter meditation wheel flower garden, fruit and nut trees, and tours of the Seneca Mountain comprised of 960 feet of Quartzite, Sandstone, Limestone, and a 17 mile vertical underground Aquafer enclosed in granite below the surface. 

In all things we are a Judaic/Christ centered Church, Taking the Old and New Testaments, The Dead Sea Scrolls, Coptic Christian Texts and other references from ancient languages to interpret GOD's Word and Law from a knowledge Base, to Wisdom, to Understanding. Allowing for each who is receptive to GOD's word to receive it in a way that allows for spiritual growth at one's own pace. To bed able to teach GOD's word in a way that we as teachers have walked the walk to gain that Wisdom and Understanding that only comes as a gift after application of GOD's Word. Blessed bd The Name of GOD, HA SHEM.  


Touch for Health Foundation Certified Teachers

Reiki Mastership-(International Center For Reiki Training since 1990) 

Karuna Reiki Mastership since 2005 (Hands on Healing) 

International Institutes of Reflexology 

Pacifico Institute of Ear Candling 

National Health Center for Iridology 

Geobiology w/ Spurling Life Light 

Teacher Sound Health Alternatives 

Touch for Health Association 

EDu-Kinesthetics (Brain Gym) 

Therapeutic Touch 

Seichim Mastership Teacher since 1990 

Angelic Living Light Mastership Practitioner/Teacher 

Professional Speaking engagements: 

Co-host of Angel Talk Radio in Washington DC in 2003/2004 

Broadcasting live to over 5 states on WMET 1160 AM 

Guest Speakers Apostolic Churches of West Africa 

Workshop Speaker – Annual Pathways Magazine Expo in Washington DC Since 1994 *Fortean Society 

Some Guests interviewed on their live Radio/TV Shows 

With Certified Press Credentials, they interviewed the Dalai Lama in his visit to Washington DC in 2005 and were also part of an exclusive photo op with him at the MCI Center. *Tom Kenyon- Author Brain-Child Research 

Dr Michael Salla - Author of Exo Politics 

Virginia Essene - Author- Speaker 

Gregg Braden - Author Fibonacci/The God Code 

Dr Michael Turi - Spiritual - West Coast Radio Host 

Dr. Richard Souder - Researcher/Author 

Neale Donald Walsch - Author - Conversations with God 

Steve Bassett - Paradigm Congressional Candidate- Conference organizer/host 

Dr. Steven Greer - Researcher Author 

Mary Thunder - Native American Teacher 

Kills in the Fog - Native American (Crow Tribe) (Activist for peace) 

Almine Barton - Author - Spiritual Speaker and Author *Joanne Parks – Max the Crystal Skull Historian and many more! 


Sandy's professional info: 

Degrees & Employment: 

Technical degree from Arundel Institute of Technology. 25 years as a Designer/Engineer with Bechtel Power Corporation, Frederick MD. (Retired 2002) 

Designing structures for domestic and international fossil fuel and nuclear power plants. 

Special performance recognitions and awards by Bechtel Power Corp. 

Founded TLLC in 1994 part time to research alternative healing modalities

Retired from Bechtel Corp in 2002 to pursue Professional Speaking full time. 

Head of Int'l Research for Biowaves LLC Since 2008 

Trustee of The TLLC Church and Retreat Center in Seneca Rocks WV. 26884 


Special Acknowledgments: 

Co-Sponsor Humanitarian Water Project to Ghana West Africa bringing that country state of the art water purification technology in 2000,2001 and 2002. 

A pioneer in Sound Health Research-Teacher/Practitioner and former shareholder in Sound Health Corp. Athens OH. 

1999 Signature Sound/ Sound Health Research U.S. Navy Dept 

Sound research guest of Dr Norman Shealy - The Shealy Clinic in Springfield, Missouri. (Medical doctor and The inventor of the TENS Unit and researcher of the “Magnesium Miracle”) 


Travels have included: 

Canada 2000/2002/2003 

England 1998 

China 2000 

Egypt 2001 

West Africa 2001/2002 

Mexico 1996/2003 


Professional Awards & Memberships: 

Cambridge Who's Who 2009/2010 

Arthur Murray School of Dance Silver Level 

Producer Certification Montgomery Television 

ABI Medical Science Award 2011 

ABI Woman of the Year 2012 

ABI Hall of Fame 2013 

Association for research and enlightenment 


Sandy Young Bio 

Angelic Communicator of the Christ Light. At the young age of about 5 years old Sandy was already communicating with her Grandmother telepathically, who lived over 150 miles away. 

Her Grandmother would call her on the phone and say, I received your message sweetie :-) Sandy can also remember well, seeing and talking with Angels by the age of 12 years old. 

This began her path as an Angelic Communicator that she continues today. 

Pursuing a career as an engineer, she left her career of 25 years to pursue Spiritual Teaching/Healing/Speaking full-time in 2002. 

Sandy as a co-host with her husband broadcast live on her own radio show with WMET broadcast in five states for over 1 1/2 years out of the DC Metro Area. 

She began co-hosting her own Television Show in 2004 

Sandy as a co-host with her husband broadcast live on her own radio show with WMET broadcast in five states for over 1 1/2 years out of the DC Metro Area the station was located 2 blocks from the White House. 

She began co-hosting her own Television Show Angel Talk's Changing Realities in 2005. 

Sandy is a gifted Remote Viewer & Angelic Reader. 

She has worked on the DC Sniper Case, identifying the exact day and time the shooter would strike and the general area it would take place, and at a time, the sniper had not struck before. 

She also aided the FBI in the early days of the Iraq war identifying Iraq's communication command center, as well as an underground missile base manned by Chinese, with confirmations of accuracy from multiple Gov't Agencies. 

She has worked with clients all over the world, including the Americas, Africa, Asia and Europe. 

Sandy is a certified Reiki Master, Karuna Reiki Master (R) Seichim Master, Flower Essence Practitioner, Pattern Trauma Healer and counselor. 

She has worked with clients from National Institutes of Health, numerous Medical Professionals and Doctors have sent her clients they cannot help. 

Many other energy healers come to Sandy for healing for themselves. 

This beautiful Angelic brings hope, healing and a message of love and beauty from Heaven's messengers.