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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 22 April 2021

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The Sports Doctor Guest, Cathi Lamberti June 14, 2023
Founder & CEO of Smartfit Inc

SMARTfit Inc. was formed in May 2013 develop a technology to offer evidence based, scalable brain health solutions focused on neuro-rehab and neuro-motor training. The purpose is to address major health related conditions attributable to modern day inactivity and will have profound diagnostic, therapeutic and performance related outcomes for users from childhood through advanced age. 

We have created an advanced Dual Task training technology platform called SMARTfitOS that enables a person to take a 5-minute dual task cost test and receive an instant report. This report provides the information required to design a customized rehab or training program in a matter of minutes.

SMARTfitOS has great utility in a variety of global market opportunities including rehab, memory care, fitness, wellness and advanced sports performance training techniques. 

SMARTfit's iOS/Android App provides access to its Cloud-based user-interface making it easy for trainers/clinicians to access over 2,000 filmed protocols to quickly customize and design client workouts, track results, take baseline tests and generate progress reports. 

Now used by leading hospitals such as Rancho Los Amigos, Dignity Health, Pacific Neuro-institute, Banner Health, Casa Colina, Keck, and Kerlan Jobe/Cedars Sinai as well as professional and college sports teams including the Los Angeles Lakers.

Catherine Lamberti, Founder Board Chair and CEO, SMARTfit Incorporated

A Night At The Roundtable Guest, Sherri Ina Bausch June 13, 2023
Multidimensional Energy Practitioner, Light Language Channel, Artist, Transformational Coach

Sherri Ina Bausch

Sherri Ina Bausch is a Multidimensional Energy Practitioner, Light Language Channel, Artist, and Transformational Coach, who works deeply in the quantum field. 

She intuitively helps people connect the dots of their energy to bring forth rapid, positive shifts for living in their true alignment and wellness. 

Her passion is supporting the release of trauma, negative blocks, mindsets, and beliefs, so individuals can accelerate into deeper creativity and embodiment. 

Her clients include Starseeds, Creatives, Empaths, Awakening Souls, and professional women struggling with autoimmune disorders, such as Relapse Remitting MS.

Sherri also channels the galactic realms for Starseeds through art, bringing through pen and ink 'star maps' with information about their mission here on Earth.  

YouTube: “Sherri” - @sherribausch – at: 

Chuck and Julie Show Guest, Lucas Miles June 12, 2023
Pastor, Author,

A trusted voice in the American church who has consistently addressed some of the most challenging topics in religion, has released a provocative new book, WOKE JESUS: The False Messiah Destroying Christianity, which delves into many of the issues Dr. Robertson reported on over the years.

The host of The Lucas Miles Show and EpochTV’s Church & State. Miles has been a pastor for over 20 years based out of South Bend, IN / University of Notre Dame. He has fearlessly taken on some of the most challenging topics in theology, politics, and culture and has been featured in books, on TV and radio programs, as well as syndicated in articles across both political and religious news outlets, such as Newsmax, The Blaze, FlashPoint, Fox News, The Washington Times, CBN, and The Christian Post. Miles is the author of the best-selling book, The Christian Left: How Liberal Thought Has Hijacked the Church.

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