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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 22 April 2021

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A Fireside Chat Guest, Inelia Benz June 30, 2018
Writer, Painter, Blogger, Artist, Musician, Mystic

This is Inelia’s first incarnation on any planet, born free from self-importance, attachments, personal agendas, personal evolution, or a desire for soul advancement. She arrived knowing only that the planet needed to vibrate at a higher level in order to undergo a global ascension. What she did not know was how to assist in raising the vibration and how to communicate the need for a higher vibration to others. Initially, Inelia tried emulating other people’s actions by getting married, having children, and learning about human suffering. Although this gave her a deeper understanding of what others considered important, it did not assist in reaching the aim of global ascension.  

In January 2010, she received a request from Source to “go public as a person” in order to promote the message of empowerment and sovereignty to the masses. Emerging from anonymity, she became a messenger of personal and global ascension. Over the next three years, she worked tirelessly to explore, investigate, develop, and disseminate tools, including meditations and exercises, that were quick, mystery-free, and highly effective — tools used by hundreds of thousands of people to achieve personal ascension and, in so doing, to contribute to the goal of global ascension.

She has written several powerful works of fiction; The 13th Mage, Interview with an Alien, Interview with A Psychic Assassin, Interview with an Angel, and just out:  The Return!  Inelia has gatherings at her home in Washington, and teaches through her websites.  For more personal interactions exercises and support, visit her website,  You can also find her on Facebook!


Angel Answers Guest, Diane Pomerance PhD July 02, 2018
Autor, Facilitator, Speaker on Loss and Grief

Diane Pomerance is the author of nine books, seven of which are nonfiction about animals. She has a deep love and profound respect for nature and all living creatures, and she writes and speaks of the interconnectedness and interdependence of the whole of life. She is an ardent animal lover and advocate who has rescued, rehabilitated and adopted more than 46 dogs over the past decades. She is deeply involved with animal welfare and the environment.

She is also a Grief Recovery Specialist who helps people recover from grief over any kind of loss, but has a special interest in helping those who have lost a beloved animal companion to cope with and recover from their grief. Animals are dearly loved and respected family members to many of us, and yet we have been socialized to feel ashamed or embarrassed by the intense grief we feel following their loss. Dr. Pomerance created and established the Pet Grief Counseling Program for the SPCA of Texas in 2000. It is a free service open to the public which offers bi-monthly grief recovery groups as well as telephone and one-on-one counseling. All of the grief counselors are specially trained SPCA of Texas volunteers.

Spirituality has been the passion, the “calling” of her life, and she has dedicated her life to spiritual research and exploration. A dear friend of hers introduced her (at age 15) to a book that would transform her life. It was called An Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda at. At about the same time she was also introduced to an Indian guru of the Sant Mat religious movement and spent a weekend retreat with him in Toronto, Canada. She was a voracious reader and felt a powerful affinity for the teachings of Sant Mat.

For many years Diane studied and conducted research into various world religions and philosophies ranging from Hinduism and Buddhism, Spiritualism and Theosophy, Sufi to Subud, etc.and was privileged to study with many great spiritual teachers and masters including J. Krishnamurti, Swami Muktananda, Gurumayi Chidvilisananda, Sri Daya Mata and contemporary life teachers such as M. Scott Peck, Jack Canfield and Dr. Leo Buscaglia.

She spent five years studying with and then writing the biography of her remarkable spiritual teacher and mentor, British psychic, medium/healer, Katherine Hayward who had been born in Wales in 1899 and had an out-of-the-body experience at the age of 7. Angelic beings encouraged her to return to the physical body and Katherine awoke in agonizing pain but speaking in a full, mature adult voice and being able to predict the future. Diane researched and witnessed numerous examples of psychic phenomena. Above all else, she learned a body of spiritual teachings that Katherine and her family had received from their Spirit Guides for a 6-month period of daily instruction during the early 1920’s regarding Life & Death – their meaning and purpose.

Diane holds a Ph.D. degree in Mass Media/Communications from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. She earned her M.A. in Theater from the University of Michigan. She also received her B.A. in History and Speech from the University of Michigan along with a secondary education

teaching certification.

Diane loves animals and nature. She also loves to travel and has been to most parts of the world from Africa to Australia, South America to Asia, Europe to South America, and so on. She has an innate love of and respect for indigenous peoples and all non-violent cultures. Her exciting new book, Katherine: A Woman of Vision

The Holistic Health Show Guest, Dr Ivan Figueroa Otero June 30, 2018
MD, Certified Medical Acupuncturist, Author

Unlike doctors or healers who often believe in either one or the other, Dr. Figueroa-Otero believes that a combination of both highly-regarded ways of life are essential to living. As both a former pediatric surgeon who spent 40 years practicing medicine and a certified medical acupuncturist who specializes in disease prevention and modification of lifestyles through holistic Chinese medicine techniques such as meditation, his goal is to inform and educate others about blending these forms of medicine to live a balanced, healthy and rewarding life.

After almost four decades of practice as a pediatric surgeon and nearly a decade of practicing holistic medicine, Dr. Ivan Figueroa-Otero now heals people through the guiding principles and empowering words of his Amazon best-selling series of self-improvement books. Bilingual in English and Spanish, he was a member of the Puerto Rico Medical Association, American Academy of Medical Acupuncture, American Pediatric Surgical Association, and Fellow American Academy of Medical Acupuncture. He is currently engaged in his private practice and continues in his role as an educator, trying to achieve full integration of traditional Chinese acupuncture courses in the curriculum of medical schools.

Throughout his decades-long career as a practitioner of both Western and Eastern medicine, he found that many treat symptoms by either taking doctor-prescribed medications or self-medicating instead of addressing the root of their problems. As a specialist in disease prevention and lifestyle modification, he aims to treat the whole person–not just their symptoms–through holistic Chinese medicinal techniques such as acupuncture and meditation, and often works with other specialists to get patients the help that they need.

In an Amazon best-selling series that explores the depths of the mind-body-spirt connection and offers insightful advice about how we can all better our lives, Dr. Figueroa-Otero seeks to help others find the path of self-discovery and coping with challenges. In his newest book, 'Spirituality 103 The Forgiveness Code: Finding The Light In Our Shadows' he sheds a fresh light on and offers powerful insights to the whole experience of forgiveness, a work that delves into human nature, exploring what constitutes human brokenness and how to heal it This book will help anyone understand why they are broken, feeling sick, bitter, and in pain. This is a book for those who want to experience wholeness in themselves and peace with the universe and with others.

The Sports Doctor Guest, Chris Gellings June 27, 2018
Chris Gillings, CEO of Ticket Weirdo

Chris Gillings is the CEO of TICKET WEIRDO, the ONLY online ticket site in the world that offers you a membership to get discounts and cash-back rewards on your purchases!! It’s easy to use! And we never sneak up on you with any of those hidden service fees at the end!

Being a member of TICKET WEIRDO is pretty sweet! You get hooked up with your own personalized promo code for unlimited discounts, you get event updates, concierge service, and killer apparel! Plus, earn cash-back rewards!!

TICKET WEIRDO is hooking up 1,000's of people with $1,000s of savings every year!

When you become a member, you do more than just put money back in your pocket. You get to invite more friends, buy more at the actual event, go out afterwards, and live with the peace of mind that you didn’t get ripped off!

Plus, TICKET WEIRDO will also donate a portion of your membership and ticket purchases to charity!

Now you can save money, have fun, be cool all over again, and give back at the same time!!

The Sports Doctor Guest, Jason Parker June 27, 2018
peaker, Author, Educator, Youth Sports Consultant

My name is Jason L. Parker and I am a Speaker, Author, Educator and Youth Sports Consultant. I firmly believe in rediscovering character within our youth sports today. I also speak to youth/parent groups, coaches and school administrators. My platform is 'Engaged Athletics' and our mission is to use sport as a catalyst to change students lives from the inside out. I am a former Division I and Pro athlete who only realized the power of athletics in my life when I was just a few days away from flunking out of law school. This epiphany helped me to complete my law degree, but I quickly transition to becoming a school Athletic Director so that I could share the value of my realization ​​with students, parents and coaches on a daily basis.

I have recently completed my first book Engaged Athletics: How to Leverage the Power of Youth and High School Sports to Impact Overall Student Success (June 1 release date) and speak on several topics (listed below) that may be of interest to your audience. If so, feel free to contact me at to learn more about the movement.  I'd love to connect with you!

  •  Messaging for Coaches
    • Importance of your Platform
      • Mastering your Craft
      • Protecting Professionalism
      • Creating Engagement
  • Messaging for Parents
    • Helping Youth Develop Identify
    • Let What They Love Lead
    • How 3Cs (Character, Commitment, College) of Sport Changes Things
    • Book Trailer: 

My new book 'Engaged Athletics' is designed to equip parents, coaches, and school administrators with the tools to help students get the most out of sports participation. While many students are playing sports, few are leveraging the power of athletics to change their lives both on and off the court. Find clarity on your sports philosophy, learn goal setting, and develop the proper outlook to help kids unlock a character, commitment, and enhanced levels of sports skills.

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