Is there a method to the madness of King Donald the First? Or is he simply crazy?
Digging beneath the surface of America’s latest takeover bid, and what must result
by Kevin Annett – Eagle Strong Voice
It’s fashionable these days to compare Donny Trump to Richard Nixon in his weird, final days, although Trump’s manic spree of ruling by decree makes the Big Dick look like a boy scout. If Mister T. is imitating any former president, it’s Ronald Reagan, who pushed the world to the brink of nuclear incineration in his failed takeover bid to restore American global supremacy.
In truth, Reagan’s saber-rattling performance with the Russians during the 1980’s was a big smokescreen to conceal the decline of American global power and hegemony. The same must be said about Trump, only more so. America's share of the world’s GDP is barely one third of what it was forty years ago and is shrinking every year relative to China. Yet the convicted felon in the White House seems intent on parroting Reagan’s fairytale slogan of Yankee Triumphalism, like an impotent old man who boasts that he’s still got the biggest dick in town.
One can only wonder what is going on – if anything – in the minds of America’s ruling class for them to allow Trump to tear apart not only the nation but global stability. They’re not all as thickheaded as Donny Boy and his mini-me accomplice, Elon “the Slasher” Musk. They know very well that “making America great again” is just pablum for the masses, and the nation has not a hope in hell of becoming “Number One” in our multipolar world.
Then why, pray tell, is everyone on the Hill colluding with the Trump oligarchy? Why has there not been any meaningful resistance to Trump’s one-man governance from the Democrats or any other sector of the establishment? Why was Trump even allowed to run for the presidency, let alone take office, when he’s an impeached felon and a proven violator of the Constitution?
The reason is simple: there’s a new game in town, and it’s called the Corporatocracy.
The writing’s been on the wall for decades. As global wealth concentrates and corporate conglomerates outstrip nation states in power, democracy, such as it is, has become a redundant, vestigial organ. Government is now just another corporate branch plant directly owned and operated by the billionaires themselves, instead of through their hand-puppet politicians. And we, the people, are just things to be duped, deported, annexed and moved about like chess pieces.
You have to hand it to Trump and Musk for digging their own graves. They’re proving what we revolutionaries have been saying for a long time: that the capitalist system is inherently corrupt, murderous, and irredeemable, because its privately-owned economy is set up to profit a few at everyone else’s expense - and those few keep getting fewer all the time.
Fortunately, a lot more of us are seeing that now, thanks to this latest infantile power-grabbing by the oligarchs. Even lukewarm radicals, like the Democratic Socialists of America, have had their numbers swell by thousands of new recruits, mostly young people, ever since Trump unlawfully weaseled his way back into office. And a lot of pissed off folks on the margins and in the ghettos are doing a lot more than sign a membership card.
Trump’s ridiculous takeover bid will only exacerbate the crisis and tip America over the brink into civil war – a conflict that in truth has already begun. And because the present dissociation and insanity are concentrated at the top of society, Trump’s actions will only get worse.
After all, Donald may simply be crazy. He is a diagnosed psychotic narcissist, according to professional psychologists, and could be choosing the most destructive course possible. That’s not only the way of psychotics, but of empires in decline, says historian Barbara Tuchman: the rulers and ruled alike become deranged and make decisions designed to bring about their own destruction, like a mass, suicidal death wish.
As well, it’s quite likely that Trump is acting in the interests of China – where he and Musk have substantial personal investments – by maximizing chaos in America and among its trading partners with destructive tariffs that collapse their economies and make them cheaper for China to gobble up. That is certainly the case in Canada, whose oil and gas and real estate China is buying up quicker than you can say Justin Trudeau.
What is the truth? Likely, all the above, and even worse.
At the end of the day, the issue is not about Donald Trump or Elon Musk or any other excrement emitted from a dying corpse. The oligarchs are just the symptom of an obsolete, ruinous system. What matters is what Americans are going to do about it.
As it stands right now, they won’t do much. They’re too soft and dependent on the system. Americans are also too divided and at each other’s throats, since, paraphrasing Andrew Carnegie, half the working class has been hired to kill the other half.
Experience shows that things will have to get a lot worse before people will be forced to see their real class enemy, close ranks, and start dismantling a deadly system. Those who are resisting the present tyranny remain for now a conscious and restless minority. But as the American Revolution demonstrated, that remnant must eventually lead the sluggish majority in a long and bitter struggle to topple the mighty from their thrones.
That knife-edge vanguard of fighters never arises spontaneously, but is forged by an organized, disciplined, and dedicated leadership of men and women who see clearly and are willing to fight to the death to overthrow a bankrupt, dog eat dog system.
Fortunately, those cadres have been active and begun to reclaim the nation in their own local Constitutional Assemblies, news of which will be forthcoming. Time and experience will swell their ranks and their understanding, and they will grow into who they must be to usher in the new egalitarian society. For as the patriot Samuel Adams observed before his death, “We did not make the revolution. The revolution made us.”
The next American Revolution has begun. And once again, it will turn the world upside down.